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Reading body language (female o pinions requested)

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There's a girl I am attracted to who works at a local supermarket.


A few days ago I was walking down an aisle when she unexpectedly came around the corner headed in the opposite direction. As I looked up at her from my shopping she looked at me and we made eye contact. She smiled at me before lowering her gaze demurely as we passed each other.


Today she was at the checkout and again there were a few instances of eye contact, although this time there was no smile, just this kind of wide eyed look which kind of reminded me of the proverbial deer in the headlights.


I'm not sure what, if anything to make of this.


Can any girls here shed some light on this situation from what I have described?

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I'm not sure what, if anything to make of this.


Nothing. She sees hundreds of people a day, and sometimes she smiles when walking past and they're staring at her, and sometimes she zones out at the cash register and probably doesn't even really "see" a person.


If you're interested in her, speak to her. Smile and say hello. Flirt a little whenever you see her. And then ask her out one day.

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Nothing. She sees hundreds of people a day, and sometimes she smiles when walking past and they're staring at her, and sometimes she zones out at the cash register and probably doesn't even really "see" a person.


If you're interested in her, speak to her. Smile and say hello. Flirt a little whenever you see her. And then ask her out one day.

Good advice. Make yourself stand out in the crowd.


If she really was interested in you, she would probably have been blushing the second time she saw you, if she's the shy type. If she's not the shy type, she would have been making bold contact and smiling at you.

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This really depends on her personality to begin with. However, she is probably just sensing you looking at her. If you find thing to talk with her about, you'll find out more!

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She is aware that you keep staring at her every time you are in her store and is wondering why....:confused:


staring at her


Umm, no, I'm definitely not the staring type, I'm not so bold or clueless as to be that obvious. ;)


As for everyone's advice, thank you. It's good to know I made the right decision not to act :)

Edited by Zoff
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It's good to know I made the right decision not to act :)


That's not at all what we're saying! We're saying if you like her, you should get to know her and flirt with her! And then ask her out.

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That's not at all what we're saying! We're saying if you like her, you should get to know her and flirt with her! And then ask her out.



That's a pretty tall order though in this kind of non social setting. I'd presume that most girls would not appreciate being approached whilst at work if they weren't already interested (which is why I wanted to see if there was any initial interest on her part).


If I did speak to her I'd either have to feign an unhealthy interest in groceries and come over as very strange, or be pretty obvious that I'm hitting on her.


The first option seems a definite nono, and I'm hesitant about doing the second if I don't have a clear indication that she's interested, not only because I'd get blown off but because I do not want to harass someone when they're at work. Doing that is kind of unfair because they're trapped and can't really be rude to make you go away. :p


Hence doing nothing seems to be the best option to me for now.

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It's not as if you'll be stalking her and drooling all over her body parts. Start with being friendly and see if she responds. Then lightly flirt with her, to see if she plays along. A chill front will move in, if she's not interested.

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One of my friends married a Starbucks barrista by doing just as threebyfate recommends.


He didn't know her at all, didn't feign some obsessive interest in coffee, or hit on her lasciviously. He was just friendly and lightly flirty/complimentary over time, and then asked her out one day.


Now they have a beautiful son and beloved dog together. :love:

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Ask her if she has any recommended recipes for the groceries she is bagging for you.

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ask her if she likes Ramen Noodles...........and carry on from dere, it's a sure convo starter, i mean who doesn't like Ramen Noodles? right? lol

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I agree you should talk to her, my parents also met that way and they've been together for 30+ yrs my dad was a security at a store n used to see my mom all the time and finally talk to her, ...youll never know unless you give it a shot start it off with something simple, you dont have to sound like a weirdo thats all in love with grocerys lol

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