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getting over it


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11 months ago was the fourth and last time my now ex-husband raped me.

i was okay at first, I just told myself that i have a lot of good things in my life and that it could have been worse

that got me through the initial bit.


now it just seems to be hitting me so hard. no apologies. he didn't care. the man i loved and trusted treated me badly and raped me. i can't get over how much that hurts and i can't seem to move on.


I've talked to a counselor maybe six times. I've talked to my mom about it. I talked to a close friend a couple times.

I don't blame myself much if at all.

But the pain just won't go away.


do you have any advice for me? can u sympathize?

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Boundary Problem

Can you arrange your life so you never have to see him again?


I'm really sorry you were betrayed in this way.



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I only got 1 advice really but probably like the rest of my advices nobody is gonna agree with it, anyway..

i do believe revenge helps and i really do believe it will make you feel better if you hire a couple of big guys to do the same to him, and a bit more. he will remember what happened for a very long time and he will think many many times before doing this again to anyone else.

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i don't ever have to see him again. i haven't seen him since June.


I was tempted to at least burn his house down or dress up as a ninja and beat the crap out of him, especially since he owes me thousands of dollars and has the house and the nice car.

however, i don't think that is the best course of action.

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