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have i been played?


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hi all, please answer my query, then i'll leave u all alone - i just need an answer...


A couple months ago i met someone in Yahoo chat, and we really hit it off, but she always seemed to come up with these problems. I was a bit suspisous, but never really thought much of it. Then tonight, her friends were saying that they were her only friends and that no one else cared; opening my big mouth, I said that i cared and i felt for her and that i thought i was in love with her, and unsurprisingly, I got a load of abuse and people telling me that i was lying and that she was single (it would seem that she has a lot of friends). One guy even said he had a friend who worked for Yahoo and was going to get me kicked off! I told her about it, and she was saying all this stuff about how i didn't believe her and that i believed them first, and after i managed to calm her down, she said that she couldn't take people lying about her and that she was going to change her user name - she said that she would add me tommorow...then i came off (this was about 10 minutes ago at the time of posting).


I have this feeling that I have been screwed, f****d and played now...am I right? Please tell me WHY i'm right or wrong, cause i need some explanation.


Thanks for reading.

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Well has this ALL been over the Internet or have you ever actually met this girl in person. Or even talked to her on the telephone. If not, I wouldnt worry about it too much. The internet is great and I enjoy spending time on it and posting messages, chatting and emailing people. It's a great place where you can be anonymous and say what you want without worrying too much what people think, since most of the email people dont know you except through the computer. But when people start getting that involved with others on the Internet without ever actually having met or talked to them live, I think its kind of silly. If you think you're "in love" with someone who you've just been emailing back and forth, remind yourself that you dont even know who she is, what she looks like, etc. She might be totally different than you think in real life. I would suggest to either set something up to meet her, or at least talk to her on the phone, if you care about her that much. Otherwise I'd forget about it and move on. Also, as far as all her "friends" and the gossip, talking behind her back and them getting involved in her business, to me that sounds like a bunch of 4th grade BS, whether it happens on the Internet or in the "real world".

hi all, please answer my query, then i'll leave u all alone - i just need an answer... A couple months ago i met someone in Yahoo chat, and we really hit it off, but she always seemed to come up with these problems. I was a bit suspisous, but never really thought much of it. Then tonight, her friends were saying that they were her only friends and that no one else cared; opening my big mouth, I said that i cared and i felt for her and that i thought i was in love with her, and unsurprisingly, I got a load of abuse and people telling me that i was lying and that she was single (it would seem that she has a lot of friends). One guy even said he had a friend who worked for Yahoo and was going to get me kicked off! I told her about it, and she was saying all this stuff about how i didn't believe her and that i believed them first, and after i managed to calm her down, she said that she couldn't take people lying about her and that she was going to change her user name - she said that she would add me tommorow...then i came off (this was about 10 minutes ago at the time of posting). I have this feeling that I have been screwed, f****d and played now...am I right? Please tell me WHY i'm right or wrong, cause i need some explanation.


Thanks for reading.

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You cannot conduct a normal, healthy relationship in a chatroom. Chatrooms are just a knotch or so above your own imagination.


People can say anything, do anything. There are some nice people in those rooms who are very mean online. There are also some really mean people who are even nastier online.


In a chatroom, you don't know whether you are talking to a male or female or even an ape that can type, you don't know if they are wearing clothes or in the nude, and you can't see their facial expressions, etc. Chatrooms, in my opinion, are worse than bars or even houses of ill repute to meet people that could make lifetime partners. Oh, yes, it does happen but not very often.


If you want to chat for a while, the rooms are nice. But if you want a relationship, you'll not conduct it in Yahoo, on AOL or anywhere else.


Should you meet someone that seems interesting in a chatroom, if you can't arrange to meet them in a public place pretty quickly, just forget it. And if they live hundres or thousands of miles away, forget it even faster.


YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED...but you have learned a lesson and will be better for it.

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