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End Date

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In an LDR how long is a reasonable end-date, meaning if the couple aren't in the same city by then, it is over?


3 months?


6 months?

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it depends on the couple and the reason why there is an LDR. My fiance and I will have done the LDR thing for about 2 years by the time he moves out.. (although im waiting on the Grad housing so maybe it will be a lil bit earlier). My fiance and I had met when I was a junior in college and he was a sophomore so by the time i graduated and started graduate school 3000 miles away we had been dating for about a year and a half. Neither of us wanted to break up with each other and it was a difficult decision for both of us to make about what I was to do after graduation. I was willing to stick around for another year to wait for him to graduate, all he had to do was to tell me to stay. He let me follow my dreams to pursue graduate school, while he stayed in college. Then he got a job offer in boston after graduating, and it was the right choice at the time to tell him to take it.


We got engaged this Halloween and we are so excited to start our life together. During the LDR we saw each other often, he even came out for a month and stayed with me after graduation and I had basically moved into his apartment my senior year.


Every couple has their reasons for the LDR and every couple has an end date that makes sense to their relationship.

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Some couples have end dates, others don't.... it really depends on the circumstances. LDR's can be very difficult emotionally due to distance and minimal time spent with our SO, but honestly if two people can find a way to keep connected, to talk somewhat regularly, and continue to meet the emotional needs of their SO as best they can, an LDR can be tolerable, even without the end date. But.... it takes two people to make that work, two people to be fully invested.

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As the others have said, it really depends. My SO and I have been doing long distance for almost 2 years... our end date is still not set in stone.. it might be 3 years when all is said and done. BUT, he visits once a month, and I visit him during my breaks from school. We do and have been making it work this long... why stop now?

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3 or 6 months really isn't even reasonable, you can't meet someone and expect them to pick up and change their life that fast.

It can take years.

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