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young, sad, & blue


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I am 18 and I don't have a boyfriend. I feel bad because all my friends do and I don't. I am a freshman in college and have no guy friends. Is there something wrong???


I feel that I am just ugly, and that no guy will ever want me. How can I attract guys? How can improve my social interaction with the male species. I NEED A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear...whom ever this may concern...


don't feel bad or sad the same thing happened to me,trust me soon you will have a man! if you have no guy friends then just


talk to guys and be very friendly it worked for me...the sooner you stop thinking of having a boyfriend the sooner they will come!


believe that you are prety and smart and so on and when you see that you are all the things that you are then the guys will see it to!


<e-mail address removed>

I am 18 and I don't have a boyfriend. I feel bad because all my friends do and I don't. I am a freshman in college and have no guy friends. Is there something wrong??? I feel that I am just ugly, and that no guy will ever want me. How can I attract guys? How can improve my social interaction with the male species. I NEED A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am 18 and I don't have a

boyfriend. I feel bad because all my friends do and I don't. I am a freshman in college and have no guy friends. Is there something wrong??? I feel that I am just ugly, and that no guy will ever want me. How can I attract guys? How can improve my social interaction with the male species. I NEED A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well first off, you are going to receive what you put out. If your attitude is one of desperation and low self-esteem....then most men aren't going to be interested. The good guys out there are going to want someone who has some strength to themselves.


You don't have to compare yourself to people around you. Strength comes from within and that is where it must be built. When you feel good about yourself, others will see that and reciprocate.

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my name is tabby.i really need someone in my life right now.even though i am 13 i need someone to be there for me.i need love. i get alot of boyfreinds but they r jerks.i need a guy that will care and be there for me.

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Girl, I know exactly how you feel. I was currently in a similar situation and this was my way of getting out of it.


Dress really nicely and put on makeup where ever you go -- this really boosts your self-esteem and more guys will notice you.


I am 18 and I don't have a boyfriend. I feel bad because all my friends do and I don't. I am a freshman in college and have no guy friends. Is there something wrong??? I feel that I am just ugly, and that no guy will ever want me. How can I attract guys? How can improve my social interaction with the male species. I NEED A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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Girl, I know exactly how you feel. I was currently in a similar situation and this was my way of getting out of it. Dress really nicely and put on makeup where ever you go -- this really boosts your self-esteem and more guys will notice you.


Go out more... and don't go looking for guys- trust me... once you catch one, chances are you'll just want to throw him back in the sea! When you do go out- concentrate on having fun with your friends- guys notice a flock of girls... Let them notice you!!!

Lot's of luck


And there's nothing wrong with you! The greatest things in life come in due time...

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