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Mike loves Kim forever

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Mike loves Kim forever

My gf broke up with me saying that she wants to be alone right now. We were together for 2 years. Her friends told me that she said i was smothering her and that she felt that she couldn't talk to me. I love her alot and would do anything in the universe to get her back. She is the love of my life. PLEASE PLEASE help me on getting her back. I don't want to loose her forever. Any advise is greatly needed. How can i tell if its over for good? What should i do? I can't never stop thinking about her. I would give my own life for hers. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!

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Back off and give her the space she is asking for... Go out and do your own thing with your friends for awhile.. When she is ready to talk she will call. I know that it all hurts I have just gone through it myself, but you have to let it go or it will consume you. She still loves you I am sure so give her the time to realize she misses you, if you don't and you continue to call her she will resent you and more thank likely tell you she doesn't want to see you at all...

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