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end our friendship?

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I am very good friends with a man who I also work with. I think I am in love with him, I think about him all the time and my stomach feels like it has butterfilies in it everytime I see him. We have slept together several times and I was very sure he was interested in me. I would catch him staring, he would call me for no reason just to talk for hours, he would call me while he was on vacation to check on me, he would text me on the weekends, and when we talk sometimes I feel like we get lost in each others eyes.


However he told me that he sees me as a friend and he loves me as a friend but that was it. He said he is looking for "the one" and that it's not me. I am very hurt by this and am not sure how I can face him at work now. We work very closely together, different departments but I have to talk/email/see him on a daily basis. I was going to tell him that I think we should end our friendship for now until I can get over the feelings that I have for him. I was going to tell him that we can have a work/professional realtionship but as far as being friends, I can't do that right now.


What do you think? I feel I need time to get over this. I know if I don't say anything that he will continue to call me and want to talk for hours or still want to do lunch. I can't do that right now, I am very hurt and need time.


Any advice or thoughts on this??

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When he calls, dont answer. When you see him at work, and he asks "why arent you taking my calls?" You say "Since Im not the one for you, we cant talk outside of work, thats all." Then you tell him how you feel. He wont care how you feel, because you were an FWB, but at least he will know why.


Hey at least appreciate him for telling you the truth straight up, thats not the trend around here.

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wow. what a punk.


I dated a guy that I worked with once too. It got so weird.


God he was so hot, he ended up being transitioned to another state so I got lucky that time.



I refuse to date guys I work with now.



I just did a seminar recently regarding personal vs professional. So many people cross this line because we see these people we work with ALL the time.


I think you need to delete his number in your phone and either stop answering his calls or block his number. I also suggest that you find another place to meet guys (not that you were looking for love at work) but it gives you something to look forward to outside of work and more confidence in telling this guy to get a life.

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i think you have the right idea about telling him you need to chill out for awhile. why subject yourself to more of it when you know you are both interested in different things. you are just causing yourself unnecessary grief by continuing this until you feel differently about him.

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