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4+ months of NC for me... my update. sad story


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I have been in complete NC with my EX for 4+ months now, and I realize that she is never coming back since she has still not contacted me for anything. What a roller coaster of a ride this has been emotionally on me... After reading these things about the relationship, I dont think anyone can beat how I was crushed. But I am doing o.k now. I am meeting some really nice girls and have had some fun rebound flings. I am obsessing over a 22 year old but I realize its just a fantasy and not for the long term. Here is my sad sad story if anyone cares to hear something depressing. This is actually a message of hope for all that have been dumped, because if I can get through this after what I have been through...anyone can get through a breakup.


I am 30. She is 29.


1) My first love of my life. I dated a decent amount of girls but I never "fell in love" with anyone ever before. First time being heartbroken. She was also my first. I was 27 when I lost my virginity. I am a religious guy and never wanted to sleep around, but find the true love that I knew I was going to marry...We dated for a few months and I knew she was the one and so we made love.


2) We dated for almost 3 years, and nothing but the happiest of times in our relationship I thought. No major fights, just bickering I thought was more flirting than anything. I never cheated on her or even thought about it. I honestly can say I thought she was the happiest she had ever been, and even her parents told me that.


3) We did everything together. We had the whole week planned out and could not wait to do things together. We spent the whole day together most of the time. We lived together. Inseperatable.


4) She was there when my dad suddenly passed away... it was a great relief to have someone comfort me in my time of sorrows.


5) We talked about marriage all the time, had our futures planned out. Went to look at rings all the time when we went to Costco...(ha..they have some nice rings I promise!). I thought I was going to grow old with this person and be there for her until we were seperated by death.


6) She was beautiful in my eyes. My friends commented on her thinning hair in the front, or she was a little obese and had a little double chin, or she was slightly hunchback... I didnt care. I loved her unconditionally.


7) I loved her family and they loved me. I gave them nothing but the upmost respect and was a true gentleman.


and now how she left me...


Calls me up one day and says "You are who you are and I cant change you, Im sorry but it is not working out and it is over". I was shocked. I asked her if she found another man, and she flat out denied it saying "No". I tried to call her...she wouldnt answer. I tried to email her...no replies. I tried to text her and beg and plead with her, and all she would say is "Im so sorry, Im so sorry." Even bought her a the cutest singing bear but she never thanked me for it or mentioned it.


I went to her house to pick up my things when she finally let me. I had a ring I have been saving 2 years for and decided the last chance I had was to propose to her. She wanted a big one and it took me a while to save up. When she opened the door she was cold as ice. I asked if she wanted to talk about it, and she just said no. So I went upstairs to start packing my stuff. She was in the bathroom, I was in the bedroom gathering my things. I said to her, "You know what really hurt me the most? Is when I told you I was going to ask your Dad to marry you 2 months ago and you said, NO, dont do it." She said, "YOU HAD no intention of getting married!". I dropped to one knee right there and pulled out the most beautiful ring you could have imagined. It was 4.2 carats (the middle was 2.7, the rest was 1.5). I asked her to marry me. She was shocked...and said "No Joshua, Get Up, No, Get up!", and she walked right around me. I said to her "that's what I needed to know, I will find another girl who will say yes", and she said "dont ask her with that ring though". Hurtful. I said "at least look at the ring"...and she took one glance at it and replied with a quick quip, "you did good". We proceeded downstairs where I was still packing and I finally got her sit down and talk. She acted like she was having the time of her life now and she was completely right about her decision. She could care less about me. I asked her again, "Are you sure you didnt meet another man?" She flat out denied it. I will never forget one of the last things she said to me, "Not to give you any false hope, but maybe in 6 months I will realize I made a mistake". Like a knife through the heart. To make a long story short...I found out she was dating another man right after we broke up. I was heartbroken beyond belief. I couldnt believe it. Then I found out it was her tennis partner. Who was 35, like 300 pounds, had a seven year old child and was brazillian. lol. I cant even describe the shock. I could go on and on about the stages I went through after hearing about her falling all over this guy and how she was completely heartless about the breakup... but I wont. I will just let you know that I am still alive and breathing. God wont let me down. He never has. I rest in his promise that he will bring me to somebody who loves me more than she ever did.


BTW, that smoking hot 22 year old is going to a destination wedding with me in Vegas in a couple months and Key Largo with me in 2 weeks! Time for me to have a little fun of my own!! Will give an update on how that went ;)

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