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He Cheated with a Prostitute can I trust him again

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Jersey Shortie
There is an obvious disconnect between the sexes, and women do not realize men's true nature..


Truth be told, this issue has nothing to do with nature. This has to do with the fact that a man, within a committed relationship, cheated on his gf with a prositute. End of story. If he was single, and paid a woman to be with him. Fine. However, as a grown up human adult male, you have the ability to make your own choices. You have the ability to make tough choices. The fact that you get honry, is neither an justification or excuse for what is "natural". The disconnect between the sexes has nothing to dow ith not understanding nature. It has to do with basic respect and treating the opposite gender how YOU would want to be treated. Would you be as caviler I wonder if the situation was a committed woman out banging other men. INfact, if we are going to talk about nature. Nature dictates that women have sex with the most masculine man she can find AND nest with the most stable man she can find. This isn't always the same men. SO if we aer going to talk about nature, then it would be normal for women to screw stable men over by passing off other men's babies as the stable man's baby so he shells out the money. That's also nature.


I so do enjoy when people throw out the "it's nature" argument and forget all the million other "natural" arguments that also fit into the equation.


People used to refrain from sex until marriage. Now as soon as women spread their legs they expect men to be eternally faithful to them. Men do not view things like that. How many women would let their husband prance around europe with buddies while leaving them at home? Not many.. But marriage means something..


Why should a woman, wife or gf, be her man's police? Are you trying to say that a man is only as good as the leash he is on? Is that really the kind of men you want to be or the kind of man you think any woman would look to with respect? I would be hard pressed to find any man that would be happy in a relationship where they expected their gf/wives to do all the leg work in their own morality. You would also be hard pressed to find any woman that could have a real honest respecct for such a joke of a man. :)


No woman should be surprised if her new boyfriend goes to Thailand, Europe, etc with his buddies and has sex. Either look the other way, or do not allow him to go.. But since you are just dating, you have little choice in letting him go. Almost all men cheat or try to on their new girlfriends, so give him a chance.


Again, men are responsible for their own actions. If you want to be the kind of man that cheats on your partner, and at the same time expect his partner to be the one to police him, then you are the weakest, saddest excuse of a man and you will spend the rest of your days either being disrespected by women or laughed at behind your back by women.



I dated my best friends sister in the past for 2 years.. When we would go out even he would want to me to "hook up" with women as a sort of male bonding.. I actually see this often.


So basically what you've described is not only can a woman not expect to be respected and treated with basic human respect from members of her own family, she can't expect it from baiscally any man in her life. So really what your saying is women are worthless to men. And that we are basically laughing jokes to the men we think care for us. I am sure that makes you feel good. I guess it sucks for all us women that are stupid enough to believe that men care to do the right thing or treat us right. Well, you are certainly giving us woman lots of reasons to want to do anything for me. :laugh:



I would also say that in the in the past I passed on trips likes this with the buddies out of respect for my gf.. Amazingly that turned me from "cool guy" into "codependent wuss" in her eyes immediately.


JACKPOT...and now we learn the reason why calizaguy is giving the advice he is. :laugh: I knew there was a reason.


I am sure your gf wants you to have other interestes..and doens't want those other interests to be out banging other women behind her back just because you can.


You have an insanely desrespectful notion on how to treat women. But you have an even worse notion of what makes men men and the lack of accountablity you apparently think men are allowed to have. Because apparently grown adult men aren't able to have of those strong masculine qualities that really gets them respected.





Because I see men getting a hard time over things that women high five each other about. If Tiger Woods were a woman he would become a feminist hero


You are so full of it. Recently there was a story about a poltical guy and his wife who cheated on him with a teenager. There were no women giving her high 5s. The truth is that in the past two years, more men in postiions of power have come out that totally screwed over their wives and families then any woman in a position of power. So save your breath on who gets high fived.

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