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Am I crazy?

I went out with a girl about 6 months ago. We went out for 3 months only.

I think I am in love with this girl, - she wont give me the time of day.

I dont know whats wrong with me. I have had long term relationships

in the past, but I always got over them quickly. Shouldnt I be over her

by now?

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I understand, I've been there. It's been 8 months since my breakup and I still find no interest in any one else but I try to concentrate on other things like my friends, my family basically anything that will distract my mind.


I go out and I stay busy, I find that if I just sit around I just become depressed. I keep reminding my self that he is not wasting away over me so why should I.


Just try and keep busy, sorround your self w/ freinds, family go out have a good time.

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And they dont help.

I am still in love with her, and I think about her every day, weither I want to or not.

I have never told her I love her. I am too afraid to do that!


We work in the same building, she says she is seeing some other guy now.

I am in pain. Cant think.


Dont know what to do with myself. Life is $hit sometimes. You have everything

in your life figured out, except - one bad heart break can ruin it all, and make it

all worthless.

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i encourage you to talk to her about this. why did you both break up in the first place??? did you love her when you were together??? or did you realize after you broke up??? i just wanted to know so i could help you better.



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We were having alot of communication problems.

There were some reasons, infact - at the time, she hinted at breakup,

and me, being the bold guy I am, initiated the breakup.


Now, I am love sick, heart broken and dont know what to do with myself.

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I loved her while we were together, but I was too afraid to tell her

because we had only been together for 3 months, and I figured she

would think I was crazy or something..


I made alot of mistakes when I was with her, and now, I kick myself

every day...


~heart broken

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i know you are heartbroken and i can tell you love her...but sometimes this happens for a reason. i know this isnt something you want to hear but i refuse i lie to someone. i would still tell her how you feel and see what she says. maybe if she knows how you feel , she can openly tell you how she feels and then you may have a better picture of what is going on. good luck and if you need us...you know where to find us.



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I agree w/ Autum...if you don't tell her you'll always have that "what if". I think it would help either way, even if she still wants nothing more w/ you then at least you know you tried and that it's absolutely not worth pursuing. Good luck.

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like this might be your first real love. It feels at first like the pain will never go away but it does. If telling her how you feel doesn't do anything for you, then know that time will heal your broken heart. Each time I've cared for someone I thought I'd never find anyone else, but I have. And when you do meet another, you sometimes wonder what you saw in the last person.

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I wrote her, and I told her how I've been feeling.

But I didnt tell her I love her. I cant do that. Its

not approperate to say.


I am saving that for someone who loves me back

and we are in love. I feel really weird using that

word to a girl, because it means so much, and

I dont want the word to become meaningless.


Maybe she will respond, but I dont think so.


I will mend my heart with time.


but life sucks right now.

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I hate to see you suffer so. :( Love is way way to dangerous, i don't know why we keep trying it. *sigh* Anywho, i think it's awfully noble of you to not say i love you to a women who probably doesn't feel the same way. It makes life easier on her, even though it is a sacrifice to you. Chin up, you seem to have very strong character, there are allot of fish in the sea. When i get down about love, i go to a nightclub and dance. Maybe that would help you. Dancing feeds the soul, and helps you mingle and socialize. Who knows, maybe you'll have a good time, maybe it will clear your head, in the end, it couldn't hurt.


Vixen :bunny:

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Night club? hehe..

yeah I love to dance. Trouble is: women are too smart. If they

see a guy comming to close with his dancing, they back off.. besides

they may have bfs whatever, who KNOWS who they are. Its

a little on the rude side to walk upto some girl and start dancing

although, its nice too sometimes.


I personally think I just need some more time to spend

doing things for myself..

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when i see a guy dancing by himself at a night club, i usually go up to him and dance with him. True the once who approach me get shot down, but the ones i approach don't shoot me down. That's what they call, "ladies choice" ~_^


vixen :bunny:

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dont take this the wrong way....but i highly doubt you are ugly, you have a beautiful personality. to me, this girl is stupid for letting you go and not talking to you. find someone else WHEN YOU ARE READY and have fun. i think you will be just fine and one day..you will be inlove and happy. good luck in all you do with this and i know things will work out for you.


if you ever need to talk...send me a private message and i will give you my s/n....



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I'm curious about WHY you are in love with this girl. You dated for only 3 months - not a whole lot of time to get to know her. You may want to really think about what it is that's got you all wound up - maybe she really ain't all that after all.

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