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"We should do something sometime." "Yeah, definitely."


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So, it's been a while since I've been out in the game, but I met this girl at a party a few days ago, and facebooked her the day after, and eventually got her phone number.


I called her the day after (it's been 4 days since the party, for those keeping track) and asked her to come along with a group of friends of mine to a midnight premiere of a movie. She, however, declined because of an 8:00AM final exam the next morning. Fair enough, I figured. I'm kicking myself a little for this now, but I ended with a cliched, vague-ish "We should do something else some time," to which she responded "Yeah, definitely." She seemed excited for the invitation, and genuine with her reason to decline, so perhaps I'm overthinking things. A second opinion on the situation would be very welcome.


I'm already committed to giving it at least one more shot, so my question is more "when and how?" than "what should I do?"



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I think you have to ask one more time in this situation. If I had an exam I'd have to decline as well.


How much notice did you give her for the movie?


I'd give her advanced notice next time, or even ask when she is free.

If she nails down a date, that's good news. If she wavers or makes excuses about when she will be available- let it go.

Edited by D-Lish
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So, it's been a while since I've been out in the game, but I met this girl at a party a few days ago, and facebooked her the day after, and eventually got her phone number.


I called her the day after (it's been 4 days since the party, for those keeping track) and asked her to come along with a group of friends of mine to a midnight premiere of a movie. She, however, declined because of an 8:00AM final exam the next morning. Fair enough, I figured. I'm kicking myself a little for this now, but I ended with a cliched, vague-ish "We should do something else some time," to which she responded "Yeah, definitely." She seemed excited for the invitation, and genuine with her reason to decline, so perhaps I'm overthinking things. A second opinion on the situation would be very welcome.


I'm already committed to giving it at least one more shot, so my question is more "when and how?" than "what should I do?"




You know, I'm at the point now where no matter how hot the girl is, if I even sniff games it's over.


8:00 AM exam...bullsh*t excuse. Sounds harsh, but if a girl wants to see you, she'll see you. Exam or no exam. She's full of sh*t.


Ask her one more time in a couple of days. Don't wait around forever. Tell her where to meet you and if cancels/flakes, or gives another B.S. excuse (which she will do 1 of those things) erase her from your memory banks.

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^ Some people actually value their education and are willing to wait to meet up with some person they do not even really know.


Did she offer an alternate time to meet?


Hmmm...doesnt look like it. Sounds like she values something, but it aint this guy. Not his fault though. Shes just a flake.

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Ok I REALLY disagree with the person who said she had a bullsh*t excuse. Final exams are no joke... often times they determine a good chunk of your overall grade in a class. A midnight movie would last a couple hours plus another hour to go home and finally get some rest... so she'd get basically no sleep and risk doing badly on the exam. I say it was an EXCELLENT excuse and you SHOULD ask her to do something else. Bring up a specific activity that you'd like to do with her (meaning, don't just say "we should do something".... make it specific). Then if she found another reason to not go I'd only worry at that point.

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Ok I REALLY disagree with the person who said she had a bullsh*t excuse. Final exams are no joke... often times they determine a good chunk of your overall grade in a class. A midnight movie would last a couple hours plus another hour to go home and finally get some rest... so she'd get basically no sleep and risk doing badly on the exam. I say it was an EXCELLENT excuse and you SHOULD ask her to do something else. Bring up a specific activity that you'd like to do with her (meaning, don't just say "we should do something".... make it specific). Then if she found another reason to not go I'd only worry at that point.


But she didnt offer an alternate time. I smell B.S. Look he should ask 1 more time if it bothers him that much, but I'd leave it at that.

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Give the girl a break; she's studying for finals. Why so harsh? He asked her to a group meet-up, not a one-on-one date, so a counter-offer wouldn't make much sense.

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If she flakes once, you let it go. If she flakes twice, you find a girl that's worth your time instead of wasting it on some flake

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'Preciate the responses, guys. I asked her if she was free at all this weekend to go do something, and got a very vague "no, I'm busy this weekend," so I'm calling it, haha. Twice is enough to get the message. On to the next!



- Z

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