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I dont know what is up.. whether it be a massive case of the butterflies or what... but i am going out with a girl tonight.. and I am so sick... not like flu sick, just sick, i cant eat or anything and im all nervous and whatnot... stomach is just horrible.


How do i get over this? I mean if we go eat, and I cant eat, thats gonna make me look stupid or what if i were to really 'get sick'...



please help

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It's nerves, relax take a hot shower, do stuff to distract you're self. Remember you are worthy of any woman on this planet.


Wouldn't it be funny if you were my date tonight? LOL odds are against that.


Don't fret ok, girls come and go, just keep saying I am worth while, i'm a good guy, and remember that it's true.


Vixen :bunny:

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