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reconnecting and I want to be more than friends

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Hi all,

I am 21 and graduated college last may. Last month, an old friend of mine (he's 23) added me on facebook. Obviously he's a guy, and I'm a girl. Anyway- we were best friends all throughout high school. He got a girlfriend when I was a junior and he was a senior in HS, and really we unfortunately lost touch. They dated for a few years and have since broken up. Before he added me on facebook, we hadn't talked in 5 or so years. Now we've been IMing each other constantly, talking for hours, etc. I never liked him romantically when we were younger but I sincerely feel a connection, and I don't want to let it slip through my fingers.


He does have a crush on a taken girl, as he was telling me, which I presume puts me in the wonderful friend zone. He has no plans to persue her. We made plans to see each other since we will both be going back to our hometown toward christmas. I know I'm kind of jumping the gun since we haven't seen each other in so long. But I can't shake the feeling that this could really be something good.


So am I screwed because he friend zoned me? Does this have a shot in the dark what so ever? Any experiences, stories, help? I could really use someone's thoughts!!

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Women might permanently friend zone men; men almost never permanently friend zone women. Tell him what you're thinking and I bet you won't be sorry.

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Women might permanently friend zone men; men almost never permanently friend zone women. Tell him what you're thinking and I bet you won't be sorry.


I have to agree with this. Just go to a bar with him, have a few drinks, flirt like hell, and let the rest take care of itself. If the guy doesn't get the hint, then he's a dumbass. If it fails, you can always blame the alcohol.


He also may have friendzoned you in the past because he assumed you friendzoned him first. He may be thinking he's still in there. Or he could be playing the competition card. He could be wise enough to know that women don't always go for the available man, and if he says there might be another girl in his eyes that will make you want him more. Perhaps it is working.

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