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I want my ex boyfriend back*

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I really need advice on letting my ex boyfriend know how much I still like him(not love*).. We broke up not too long ago, and we're still really good friends. We watch alot of movies together and get pretty close, but noting intimate.. We broke up because he simply doesn't trust girls that much(I would never cheat on him, and now he knows it). He's going to be working away this whole summer and I will only see him on weekends.. And he may say thats another reason for us not to get back together for the third time.. But I really like him, and I just don't know how to tell him....... Please help***

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Unless he's really dim witted, he already knows you like him. If you must, tell him again.


I really don't understand this situation. The two of you were dating...like boyfriend and girlfriend...and all of a sudden he announces he wants to break up with you because he doesn't trust girls that much. That makes no sense at all. Logically, it would follow that if he broke up with you and then gave that reason, he doesn't trust YOU.


You should insist he be evaluated by a psychologist for this rather curious action and attitude.


If you are such close friends and spend so much time together, it seems all you're looking for is the ability to work in some sexual activity. So, just tell him what you want. You have to ask. If he won't meet your needs, you simply have to go elsewhere.


I think you have a friend of sorts here but if he doesn't trust you (assuming you are a girl, I have no reason to believe not), I don't think he can have a relationship with you. If he has broken up with you THREE times, he has got one serious problem.


I hope you can resolve this quickly.

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Don't make yourself miserable being with a man that doesn't trust women because you will constantly be looking over your shoulder wondering what you did wrong that day... just let him go and take the friendship he is offering to you.. Some things were just not meant to be..

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