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I was thinking about the Men are Dogs thread and it seems to me that all males of every species act pretty much the same when it comes to mating & the females are the same in nesting and selecting.


One would hope that a man, would be more selective & purposeful about where he plants his DNA, but most of them aren't. There are a few faithful and selective males out there and if women refused to produce the offspring of the "dogs" their DNA would die out and the good males would become the norm...


Actually I think that there is something to be said for accepting the basic nature of men and women and not putting unrealistic expectations on each other. Men will look but they are rude when they drool, holler, or other wise act out and if they do they should not be offended if their female partner cries, pouts... or shoots them and plants them in the back yard...

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Actually I think that there is something to be said for accepting the basic nature of men and women and not putting unrealistic expectations on each other. Men will look but they are rude when they drool, holler, or other wise act out and if they do they should not be offended if their female partner cries, pouts... or shoots them and plants them in the back yard...


In my opinion, there's nothing to be said of it. The "Men are Dogs" argument is proliferated by women who have been wronged. I could just as easily say women are carniverous predators tricking a man into feelings for them for economic security, as an evolutionary animal development to provide them with survival mechanisms when they no longer attract men. But both stereotypes are based on relationships that fail, not ones that succeed.

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I've been wronged....and have done men wrong. I think it's a part of how relationships go...not that men are DOGS! Even if they DO dwell (or live for) sex.....that's what makes them special and wonderful! I love all men.....except the one....who I HATE....but LOVE......cause he's a F*ckerSh*t....but again....wonderful and special.....and OH GAWD....I need MOIMEME!!!!!!!

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I love all men.....except the one....who I HATE....but LOVE......cause he's a F*ckerSh*t.


Wow, you're so incredibly talented at not proving my point :p

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Wow, you're so incredibly talented at not proving my point :p


Ahhhhhhh Dyer....your point was wonderful!!! Most people who dog the opposite sex WERE humped and dumped by them. With that...I totally concur!


But every woman's heart.....no matter how much a man might have pissed her off or hurt her....she still LONGS for male company...even if she doesn't admit it.


And every male...is the same way.


Love is a such a cool thing! It's much like the best sunglasses on a sun shiny day.....it makes the glare of distrust disappear and makes one long for the warmth!

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What kind of dogs do people love the most?

The shallow and dopey ones.

The kind of dog that will bark at its tail, chase after cars, and get its head stuck in the trash.


You want them, you can have them.

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Love is a such a cool thing! It's much like the best sunglasses on a sun shiny day.....it makes the glare of distrust disappear and makes one long for the warmth!


Now that's a stellar analogy, I wrote it down. :) Gracias.

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Love is a such a cool thing! It's much like the best sunglasses on a sun shiny day.....it makes the glare of distrust disappear and makes one long for the warmth!
I disagree.


Lust sparkles.

Love provides warmth.

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Originally posted by BlockHead

What kind of dogs do people love the most?

The shallow and dopey ones.

The kind of dog that will bark at its tail, chase after cars, and get its head stuck in the trash.



No....people just love THEIR dog.....cause it's THEIR'S!!!! It can be high bred....mangy.....not house trained.....goofy....loud....but it's THEIR dog!

That's why people put up with relationship crap.......

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Originally posted by BlockHead

I disagree.


Lust sparkles.

Love provides warmth.


I don't know about how you feel Blockhead.....but MY LUST needs sparkle AND heat! And without lust.....love won't happen for me.

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....wonderful and special.....and OH GAWD....I need MOIMEME!!!!!!!


You rang? Sorry, I was out! Tell Merry what's wrong, dear...

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