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Age Difference Problems.??

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Hey,, so quick question someone please give me answers of any kind.


I want to get to know this guy better who is 21 turning 22 in a while.. im turning 17 in two months,, its not really a far distance away because its only a 40 min drive and we both have licences. and there is only a 4 or 5 yr difference in age between us..i have my head on pretty straight so im not gonna be doing anything im not up for and he understands that.also the age of consent for sex here is 16 so there is nothing illigal.


I know at this age most couples are usually 2 or 3 yrs apart, but im pretty mature for my age, the prob is my bro is 18 and is having a huge problem with me dating a guy older then him (hes super protective) i dont want him tellin me who or who i cannot talk with(which he has now done by saying he wants my "thing" with this guy to end NOW.& him to stop calling) I believe he has no right in to tell me this and it kinda hurts that he thinks he does????but i want him to know i appreciate \his concern. but cant base my realtionships soley on him. i think if he makes this a big deal then my mom will start thinkin she "should" be makin a deal about this,but she has 7 yrs apart from my dad so she cant be a hipocrit? anyone suggestions on what i should be doing or saying to them.i want them to just trust me that this is what i want? and that this guy is super awsome,Thankyou,any advice is appreciated.

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Don't worry about what your brother thinks. However, I think you are a bit young to be dating a guy who will soon turn 22. When you are 18, guys up to 24 or so will be just fine. But right now you are a growing, vulerable and inexperienced teen who can be easily manipulated by an older guy. Do yourself a favor. Hold off on the older guys for a year or so longer. You'll be thankful you did.


Just because the age of consent in your state is 16 doesn't take away the serious psychological consequences you may face for having sex that early in life.

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Thankyou,, and yes the sex thing isnt a problem because i know im not ready for that yet so the age of consent doesnt really matter,

I dont know what to do or tell my bro,, he has now threatend to block his number and such things and if he phones hes gonna flip if he answers as well as said hes not welcome here?,, if this was me fighting with my mom about this,, it would be completly different,, she can have that control over me,(althogh i wouldnt like it but yes i know she can?) so what do i do about my bro tho,., its not so much my parents that are flipping out its just my bro,, my parents arent fond of his age bbut know its my happiness involved. he honestly is being way to controling of me i feel frustrated and smotherd by it.? please help me??

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[font=arial][/font] Age is nothing but a number. Im kinda in a simular situation...im 16 attracted to a 22yr old. it mostly depends on what kind of person he is...thats the thing u should be careful of. but i think its actually pretty normal for a 6-7 yr age differance between couples.

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I've dated lots of guys with a 5 year age difference.....and the difference was the other way around. Age is on the bottom of my 'compatible' list.....

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