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GF dancing at the club!

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[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]Alright so the other night I went to the club with my girlfriend, she had asked me to go get some drinks so I did, I heard this song that was on by Britney spears and that is one of her favorite songs, so I went to take a peek just to see what she was doing, and she was getting low, obviously I got pissed at this and I told her I didn’t like it, my concern is why would she do it, and when I confronted it she said she didn’t do anything than when I told her I saw it she admitted, is this trust worthy? I don’t know if she was trying to get attention or what but there was no need for her to be dancing like that, any feed back will help.[/sIZE][/FONT]

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You are overreacting. She went to the club with you, spent the evening there with you. Why are you getting so upset about a particular dance move?

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well the thing was i didnt get mad, it was kinda slutty is all, I told her if she wants to dance like that then she should be single, but you are right its just a dance mvoe but there were like 10 guys standing behind her when I was not there! still overreacting?

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She was dancing! A lot of dance moves these days are sexy - she was probably just having a good time. If it continues to bother you, talk to her about it and let her know that it makes you uncomfortable seeing her dance like that and if she could tone it down when you are around. Maybe it's an incompatibility with both of your personalities - you may be more of the quiet, silent type and she's more of the confident, "show off" type.

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Dude.. who gives a **** so long as she is going home with you at the end of the night...


If anything her dancing sexy is props for you in the other people eyes as you must have something going to get a girl that will attract the attention of 10 guys.

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You're trying to ruin your GF's good time and say her dancing is akin to being sexually promiscuous. She wasn't having sex with anyone.

You are also trying to blame her for the unrestrained ogling of complete strangers who don't know how to entertain themselves without gleening from the good time of others. Thats like blaming her if a guy hollers out a car window while she walks down the street.

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Yeah you guys are right, I guess I just dont like her giving guys are reason to look at her, I dont know I guess i am weird haha :confused: thanks for the advice I guess I was just overreacting!

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well the thing was i didnt get mad, it was kinda slutty is all, I told her if she wants to dance like that then she should be single, but you are right its just a dance mvoe but there were like 10 guys standing behind her when I was not there! still overreacting?


Yes, you're still overreacting. So it is okay for your girl to be "slutty"--your term--when she's single, but she's got to change all that for you? Sorry, guy, but it doesn't work that way. You're not only overreating, you're showing her that you're jealous, judgemental, and controlling. That is a very good way to lose somebody.

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Dexter Morgan

getting "low", isn't a big deal.


Now if she was backing that "ass" up on the floor with another guy, bumping and grinding with another guy, then THAT would be highly inappropriate as someone in a committed relationship and disrespectful to you.

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Dexter Morgan
well the thing was i didnt get mad, it was kinda slutty is all, I told her if she wants to dance like that then she should be single, but you are right its just a dance mvoe but there were like 10 guys standing behind her when I was not there! still overreacting?


well that might be a tad different. If she dances like a slut, then she just might be one. so what was she doing? showing her ass off for other guys? doing vulgar moves so as to get the other guys' attention? cuz that would be quite different and unacceptable as someone in a committed relationship.

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Why did she lie to you about this? I would wonder if she has no problem lying to you about something so unimportant then you can be sure she would have no problem lying to you about things that are important.

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Dexter Morgan
Nothing is a faster turnoff than an insecure / jealous boyfriend.


and nothing is more undesirable as a girlfriend that pretends to eff other guys on the dancefloor, or at the very least show off for other guys

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I don't see where she lied. She didn't do anything but dance in a club intended for dancing. So upon being asked what she did in an accusatory tone, the proper and understandable answer would be:


And it translates as "nothing unusual".


I say drop her so she can find a normal person who won't act crazy when she dances at places intended for dancing.

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well that might be a tad different. If she dances like a slut, then she just might be one. so what was she doing? showing her ass off for other guys? doing vulgar moves so as to get the other guys' attention? cuz that would be quite different and unacceptable as someone in a committed relationship.



Yeah she was actually doing Vulgar moves dropping her ass to the ground like you see them black girls do in video i wouldnt mind if i was there and she did it but i wasnt and there were a bunch of guys standing on the stairs behind her I understand its just dancing but there is appropriate and inapprptiate dancing ... me and her talked about it when it happened and she said she would not do it again i even got buck on a dude that was trying to offer her a drink after she was dancing like that I was like yo wtf are you doing get the **** away from my girl he backed off

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I don't see where she lied. She didn't do anything but dance in a club intended for dancing. So upon being asked what she did in an accusatory tone, the proper and understandable answer would be:


And it translates as "nothing unusual".


I say drop her so she can find a normal person who won't act crazy when she dances at places intended for dancing.



haha well you know I think all girls think a like and most guys think a like when situation like this come into play, this is your opinion, if there is something i see and dont like I am going to speak my mind . i try my best to do things that would not upset my SO and I think I should get that same respect back is all. :sick:

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[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]Alright so the other night I went to the club with my girlfriend, she had asked me to go get some drinks so I did, I heard this song that was on by Britney spears and that is one of her favorite songs, so I went to take a peek just to see what she was doing, and she was getting low, obviously I got pissed at this and I told her I didn’t like it, my concern is why would she do it, and when I confronted it she said she didn’t do anything than when I told her I saw it she admitted, is this trust worthy? I don’t know if she was trying to get attention or what but there was no need for her to be dancing like that, any feed back will help.[/sIZE][/FONT]


Dude.... this is the quickest way I can think of to ruin a good relationship! You are 100% wrong. She wasn't even dancing with a guy!


You are controlling, insecure and completely unreasonable. Pull your head out of your ass before this girl dumps you.


I am a man and I am telling you this man to man. GET WITH THE PROGRAM.:rolleyes:

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haha well you know I think all girls think a like and most guys think a like when situation like this come into play, this is your opinion, if there is something i see and dont like I am going to speak my mind . i try my best to do things that would not upset my SO and I think I should get that same respect back is all. :sick:


Maybe you should go out on the floor and dance too. You might find you're creating drama over nothing. I believe you can think differently than other guys and I don't believe all guys are this incapable of relaxing.


But still, leave the girl so she can find a guy who gives her credit for her original thoughts and understands people dance in dance halls.

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i actually do go on the dance floor but i stay away from girls so i dont get in trouble, she dont like it if i dance close to other girls either sooooo yeahhhh like i said i try to not do things to make my other SO its called common courtesy if you respect your SO you would try to make them happy at all times if possible and thats what I do I keep my girl happy so like i said I should get the same respec maybe you have never been with a guy that treats you good sally.....so get over yourself!

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