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The Diner


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So.. there's this guy.


He is a waitor at the diner I frequent. I noticed him noticing me since I was a sophomore in high school. (I'm now a sophomore in college) One of my earliest memories of him was this one Sunday that I was sitting in a booth with my family. I noticed that this very tall, very boyish, new waitor was sort of glancing over at me. He would look away whenever I looked at him so I thought that maybe it was just in my imagination and I was flattering myself. But.. I look up into the mirror and it showed his reflection and from that I could see that he was looking right at me. The moment I looked into the mirror he looked away.


Whenever I go to the diner we play the stare-at-each-other game. I never did anything about it because I only ever see him in the diner setting and it would be kind of wierd trying to pick him up at his place of work.


Only this past October have I mustered all the courage I had and asked if I could call him sometime. It was 2 days before my birthday and I went to the diner with one of my college friends. We ate as usually and for some reason all the waitors and waitresses were buzzing around my table. (I'm pretty much a regular and most of the staff know my parents so that was probably why) At the end of the meal I decide that I'm going to ask this guy for his number. I wait by the entrance and when he comes out I ask. The moment I asked his eyes went sorta soft and he smiled and gave me his number. Later I find out the entire staff was basically pointing to me behind my back and smiling. Everyone pretty much had the idea that we sorta liked each other.


We've only had about 3 conversations on the phone.. getting-to-know-you stuff. Then he just stopped calling. See, he was the one who called me because whenever I called him he either didn't pick up or didn't call back. So yeah, he just all of a sudden stopped calling. I figured he just didn't like me so I sorta gave up on it. I showed up at the diner a few weeks ago and it was busy. But I was sorta hurt because he didn't even glance over once. He sorta blocked me out. I mean, I was hurt! After 4 years of feeling like someone liked me.. it ended up like this.


But so today I go to the diner. He wasn't working which is good because I didn't wanna see him. One of his friends comes up to me and asks me how I was and what was going on with us. I tell her that he never called me back and she said "Well he said that you ever call him back!" So I had my breakfast and before I left I went up to her and asked her to tell him that I said hello and that "i don't not like him." she asked if i wanted his home phone and I was sorta hesitant. I felt wierd taking it from someone that wasn't him. I didn't know if he wanted me to have it. So I tell her how I feel and said it wasn't a big deal. She looked me in the eye and said "he likes you."


That pretty much made my day. I have his home phone but I don't know if I should call. I'm still nervous. As of right now I'm not interested in getting a date but I just want to clear everything up. But I'm so nervous. Also I'm scared that he doesn't like me anymore, since everything was just so complicated. It took us a while to talk the first time.. now this? This entire thing might have turned him off to the idea of just talking to me.


Another thing is.. work. The staff knew me even before they knew I liked this guy. But now that they know they sorta.. get giddy when I show up. It sorta embarrasses me but imagine how he feels. He works there and probably gets everyone asking him about me. So in addition to the complications of my cell phone.. I'm worried that he's finally losing patience with the work situation.


Argh. I've very sorry I've not made ANY sense! It seems obvious what I should do.. just shut up and call him. But I don't know.. I felt I needed to say all this. I can feel myself blushing and I'm shaking. I'm a geek.


Thank you for reading and sending your opinions. xoxo

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I think this is one of the reasons you should take action as soon as you feel the feeling is mutual, because in your mind you glorify the possibility of a relationship, instead of experimenting with the practicality of one.


I realize I'm no help whatsoever, but I really don't have advice for repairing a relationship in which one party isn't interested in doing so. Don't give up though, if you don't feel like you should, there are plenty of other people with advice that will help you.

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hey thank you for your response!


i dont know if its like.. one party isnt interested but i dunno. things have been complicated. whenever we try to talk to each other something happens. i feel like hes sorta grown tired of trying and tired of hearing about it from his coworkers. and i think well its been a few months maybe he doesnt like me nemore. but then i think about stuff like today.. and how his friend told me he liked me. why should she say that if he didnt? like none of them know me well enough to be friends with me. so i dont see why he would make up excuses for not talking to me unless he really did like me. or.. he didnt want ppl knowing his business. but if that was the case.. why would his friend tell me something like that? like.. either she would tell me he wasnt interested or wouldnt even mention it to me. right? maybe im just trying to see things that would fit what i hope is happening. i dunno!


thank you again though xoxo

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i dont know if its like.. one party isnt interested but i dunno.


Yes, you do know. He's not interested. I don't mean to be so mean, but I think it's better that you read it in the privacy of your own home than the sudden realization at his hands. I think you're really hoping for this to work out. And if it does, it does, but don't invest more than you're willing to lose.

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Originally posted by theophilia

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I'm still nervous. As of right now I'm not interested in getting a date but I just want to clear everything up. But I'm so nervous. xoxo


Why are you bothering with him then?


Women, I'll never understand them.

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dyermaker and badman are right...... hes not interested most likely due to bad timing, as well perhaps he has more going on in his life, so much that he cant take the time to call you. Id say leave him be, and dont be worried about it so much. Good Luck (i thought you needed a womans perspective)

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hey you guys,


thank you for all your replies. you guys are def right. i just have a liddle trouble admitting stuff like this to myself. but neway, thanks for taking the time to reply! xoxo



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See, he was the one who called me because whenever I called him he either didn't pick up or didn't call back.


That's something to worry about, seems like he's not interested in you. If you want to learn some signals you can pick up from a person just ask me. I researched "how to approach a girl" on http://www.google.com and I found some useful websites that tell me wether or not a girl is interested in me. Of course there are sections that girls can use to tell if a guy likes her.


He is a waitor at the diner I frequent.


I hope you didn't say anything mean to this waitor, he might spit in your food :sick:

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