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"Used and Abused", so says the girl,


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Here i am single and enjoying life.

So i been hanging out with this other chick ever since august for school n stuff.


well i help her study n such and its all platonic the whole way (cept for her mad flirting, whihc i find out later, is her just being "friendly)


so i talked to her tonight, and she was like " well I just wanted to keep you interested until semester was over"


WTF!!! we were sorta close, like physically and emotionally



i take this as her way of saying i don't liek you anymore


but since we were never officially an item cant havre a breakup talk, so yeah


and like after i asked her, she blushed and was put off by it.


so someone show me the ways and help me out here?


am i thinking this dead on, or am i way off?


thanks for any help

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Uggh, If I was the Holy Spirit, I would endow each and every human the ability to communicate. Then, I'd make the urge to communicate as strong as the urge to piss on an airplane.


*calms down*


Okay buddy, She's not into you. She never saw you together, you were close academically, not physically/emotionally. If you both would have been able to communicate, you would have seen that right away.


Lo siento senor.

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thanks for the insight


yeah i just didnt figure this out till she told me i guess


i was just ignorant, but now i know better. thanks

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we were sorta close, like physically and emotionally


Whatever made you feel like you needed to put "sort of" in that sentence, was your major clue that you were being used as a free tutor. I'm not sure it rises quite to the point of abuse, since your heart seems to be largely untouched. If you're ever wondering in the future whether you're being used for your skills with differential equations or the Treaty of Versailles, vs. being cherished as a wonderful companion and friend, try asking the girl whether the two of you can lay off studying together and just do some fun stuff for a week or so. (Middle of the term, not at exam time.) Hint that she can treat you (to dinner, amusement park, whatever) as a thank you for all your study help. I consider that fair and reasonable. Her reaction will tell you how she sees you.


I blush for my fellow females who use men.

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