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Question about meeting the parents


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Just a quick question...after all the turmoil of breaking up and needing space...the boyfriends family TOLD him they want to meet me...(we've been dating a year) he's not exactly overjoyed as the mother has NEVER liked anybody he has ever dated...(which explains why we have yet to make the 4 hour trip to meet them) and I found this out last night...and I'm meeting the parents/family tomorrow.


I really want to impress his family...expecially his mom. I've ALWAYS made the attempt to tell him to tell everyone in the family hi when he's talking on the phone or whether he's visiting....so I think we're okay on the friendly part there.


He says to put on a big smile and do whatever she asks. He says she's a very small, very cold hearted mexican woman with the thought that no woman will EVER be good enough for her youngest.


Sooo question time:


What do I wear? I'm normally a jeans-tshirt kinda gal, but willing to throw on some khaki's and a nice shirt


Do I bring gifts for the mom and sister? My one friend says yes, the other says no. If so, what do I bring?


I'm normally a quiet-shy girl the first time I meet someone, evidently that's not the way I'm supposed to be...but I don't want to be "too" loud...but I want to be myself.


Any other suggestions greatly appreciated!



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Be yourself, pure and simple. Don't go out of your way to impress or you'll set the bar at a point that you may not be able to maintain. However, overlook slights or comments that you might otherwise feel the need to respond to. Be helpful and act as if you're one of the family, not an honored guest.


As for a gift, I think it would be appropriate for you to bring a nice, small bouquet of flowers for "mom."

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