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Good way to find way out of friendzone?


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Im going to Key Largo with my best friend and his sister in a couple weeks. I have very strong feelings for this girl and I think I have laid out my hand letting her know this. In fact...I know she knows. She can be flirty with me on occasion. Maybe she is that flirty with all the guys. She slaps my butt, holds my hand, pinches my butt, slaps my stomach. Very touchy feely with me when I ignore her (funny how that works, the minute I try to get flirty with her she backs off). She recently broke up with her boyfriend last month. I want to know once and for all... friendzone for life, or something more. The reason I want to know because she already accepted a destination wedding in Vegas coming up. Want to know my chances before I book the first class ticket or the coach. LOL


I want to take Tom Cruises "Risky Business" line and just go in for the kiss on New Years. "Sometimes you just got to say, what the f**k, take a shot". Good or bad idea?

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It is a good idea to go for it, but just make sure your best friend is cool with you going after his sister. Sometimes sisters of best friends are off-limits. Just make sure this is okay before you go for it.

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It sounds like a good idea, but you really need to make sure its all right first. As someone with a younger sister i would probably be ok with it. Depending on the guy of course, some of my friends are great as friends, but i wouldn't want them anywhere near my sister, though these aren't my closer friends. Just make sure he knows youre not just trying to sleep with her and nothing else, that wont go over well. Also, is she younger or older? I know a couple guys who would absolutely freak out if they found out one of their friends was interested in their little sister. Though these guys would have likely warned you off preemptively, and it doesn't sound like your friend has.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I honestly dont think anything can come in between my best friend and I. Especially since I have known him all my life. In fact, I think he would feel more comfortable knowing that I was dating his sister and not some a-hole. If we kiss or it gets serious I will talk to him about my strong feelings for her. We are leaving Saturday! I will give the update! Wish me luck!

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You say that she knows how you feel. Have you actually told her how you feel? I mean sat down and had a conversation about your feelings for her? If not, try that.


Also here's a quick guide for you. All of these tips may or may not apply, but use the ones that do apply and you may be surprised by her response:


What steps can you take to enhance the possiblity of turning your friend into a lover?


Dress to impress when you’re around them – When you’re hanging out with your friend, you tend to be comfortable, not realizing that this is someone that you could possibly build something with and are usually too busy talking to them about who you are actually trying to impress. Your friend needs to not only be attracted to you in a meeting of the minds type of way, they need to be sexually attracted to you as well. Just being one of the guys or one of the girls is not going to be enough to get them to look at you in a potential relationship type of way.


Internet Flirt: Maybe you’re too shy to come right out and let them know that you are interested in them in a romantic way. You may want to try being flirtatious. I’m sure you IM (instant messange), e-mail or talk to this person quite often so use these avenues to get your point across without actually having to come out and tell them! He or she may think you’re being weird at first or think you’re joking but let them know that you are serious, even give them a serious emotion (from your list of smily face expressions) if you’re im’ing or e-mailing each other. Eventually this person who you are interested in being more than friends with will start to to think about the things you say, they are probably smiling on the receiving end and think….hmmm, maybe this could be a friend that I could see myself dating. This is a great relationship tactic to get them thinking about you .


Flirt in REAL life – Talk to them after you’ve flirted via the world wide web. Pretty obviously the follow-up in trying to find true romance with the friend you want to have the love friendship with. It’s a great way to follow-up and really leave them wondering about you and them in terms of true romance and a love friendship.

Talk about other people that you are interested in: This is a proven dating and relationship tactic that has been tried true and true. If the person that you’re interested in (after you’ve expressed your interest in becoming more than friends) thinks that you are interested in other people as well, your friend will think this may be a great opportunity to take you up on your offer or they may pass up a great opportunity to spend time with you on a relationship level and get to know you in that way.



Don’t make yourself too available – Yes, when you were just friends, you were always there for them as a friend should be but now, you ‘ve expressed your interest. You’re friend (provided they feel the same way) that could potientially now be a lover will realize that you have a life outside of them and notice that you are not always around like they are used to. When they realize how much they miss you, they may start to think if there room for you two to go from friends to lovers because you have so much going on in your life.



Become an important part of their life – Now there is another way to go about trying to make sure your frienship turns into a relationship by playing a huge part in their life. This could get your potential lover thinking about how much they enjoy having you in their life and how there would be an empty place in their life if you weren’t in it. This is huge because if they really do want to go from friends to lovers, they will realize how much you mean to them in a romantic way.


Make your move – At some point you are going to have to overcome this shyness if that’s you. You are going to have to pursue this relationship outside of the little flirting that you’ve been doing. You’re going to have to make it known! Seriously! No more pussy footin around, if this is something that you truly want and it’s worth the fight, then fight! It could very well be worth it!



Hope this helps.

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Great tips. Thanks...we have spent the last 2 days texting and calling each other over the last 2 days than we ever had... Up past midnight talking too. so I decided to throw this text out...


"Can I ask u something? It is something I have been meaning to ask or tell u for a while but I haven't found the right time..."


and her response was this:


"I know how you feel about me biting you"


haha. When she was younger and had a crush on me she liked to try to bite me. I decided to throw out a dumb reply and not tell her my true feelings yet. I guess you can say I was testing the waters again. Pretty soon I am going to jump in... I'm just nervous it's ice cold in there! Haha

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Youre going to get dissappointed. She likes having you on the backburner to hang with, but since shes single now, if she was at all interested in you, she would have made more of a move. She is either not interested in you, or she isnt over her ex. Whichever way it is, it isnt going to happen. Since she knows, youre not a challenge and therefore not attractive. She knows she can wrap you around her finger. Thats the reason she backs off after you stop ignoring her. She cant stand not having your attention. She loves it, but she isnt into you romantically. If you are going to vegas just because she is going, you will have a bad time if you tell her how you feel and she tells you shes not interested.


BTW she knows you were testing the waters, and she deliberately deflected the test so that she wouldnt have to tell you she isnt interested.


Dont tell her how you feel, start escalating the flirty touching, and move in for a kiss. Do it before the trip. DOnt go on this trip not knowing where you stand.

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