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questions for all the bad boys out there (cmon, you know who you are!)

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I understand that those who can keep their cool and play the game are the ones who win, in the end - they toy, they tease, and they get the prize. But how does one do that when there's a volcano eruption happening on the inside? Aha - so it's a matter of letting yourself feel the volcano, yet staying cool in the guy's eyes, I guess. This making sense now - because I wdn't want to stop myself from feeling what I feel, but whether or not I show it is surely a diff't issue.



PS thanks Moimeme!

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Originally posted by moimeme

Don't act like that, Moi. I'm sure that deep down, you adore us!


Sorry to burst your bubble, babe, but actually no. Never saw the charm in Warren Beatty or Burt Reynolds or Julio Iglesias - all notorious BBs. Or whatsisname now - the smoking swearing guy who got his gf pregnant and is all the rage. Men like that bore me to tears. What's worst is they think they are such hot stuff! BLECH!! People who fancy themselves playboys are not even slightly attractive; they're too impressed with themselves.


Like I said to you before, they're exceptions to the rule and you are one! You are a tough nut to crack, Moi, but that's good! I love the fact, that I can't break you!


Warren Beatty, Burt Reynolds, and Julio Iglesias? They don't have anything on me! You'll eventually fall for me, darling!!! :cool:



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Originally posted by yogi-mon

Doesnt work like that.


Because if you are a f**k buddy, then he doesnt give a crap about you,

hence you want him.


The mirror.


Sorry pal, but I do have friends with benefits, that do pursue me, in regards to trying to get me to settle down and turn me into relationship material. And I do give a damn about them. If I didn't, or acted like I didn't, do you think they'll continue to let me hit it every now and then?



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You'll eventually fall for me, darling!!!


Funny thing about me. The more someone insists I will do their bidding or follow their wishes, the less likely I will be to do so. :p I guess some women find that powerful or masterful or something. I'm not one.

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Originally posted by moimeme

You'll eventually fall for me, darling!!!


Funny thing about me. The more someone insists I will do their bidding or follow their wishes, the less likely I will be to do so. :p I guess some women find that powerful or masterful or something. I'm not one.


You think that I haven't figured that out about you, yet, my headstrong wahine? :laugh:



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i'm just obtuse about this, i think. i've posted this before, but bad boys are great for friends - you learn all sorts of interesting things from them. i truly love my bad boy friends. platonically. i've messed around only with one of them, once, but i knew he was nowhere near relationship material.


maybe i just don't understand the desire to convert in general; it seems so disrespectful, or intrusive. and pointless. if they're bad, enjoy them. hang out with them. even bed them if the fancy takes you. but don't let them in your mental space: bad boys are for breakfast, not dinner. period.


i watch my friends get shattered over these guys and it just bewilders me. certainly it is possible they guys might change; winning the lottery is also possible. it seems to me they sacrifice their own dignity, time, and pleasure for hope of an eventual unlikely payoff. and they will not learn! some of them have been hurt by even the same bad boy like 4 times and they go back for more.


i' m stupid about this stuff, so they just seem illogical to me - like a particularly odious and destructive case of slothful induction. but, educate me. what is happening emotionally? are they insecure? did their fathers not make them the center of their worlds?

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I dated one bad boy and chalked it up as a learning experience..... he was fun.... he was great..... it was a blast..... dont regret him one bit..... however he was just a good time boy..... did i want to change him or attempt to? Never!!! thats what made it so great.... however there were just things i wouldnt tolerate.... he knew my lines i knew his lines..... we both just got out of crappy relationships..... and we were soooo bad for eachother it was good! if that makes any sense.... lol.... would i ever date a bad boy again? Never...... I only needed that one time experience...... i always said when i dated him..... he will be the first and last bad boy i would ever date...... when we started dating.... everyone and thier dog would tell me to be careful, why you with him? who cares..... i needed that at that time..... :laugh:

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