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My GF acts a lot differently now, out all the time, I'm jealous.

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"I broke down, think she's just depressed so i tried calling her last night but she wasn't home all night. So I don't know. I think she's avoiding me, at least on the phone. Email is so easy to send, but it's so impersonal and hard

to get any real feeling from words on a screen"


she's not intentionally avoiding you, but she's avoiding her responding to you and how THAT makes her feel. You have to leave her alone. Right now you are saturating yourself and her opinion of you will change very fast if you continue to bother her. I'd advise you to cut off contact for at least a week, you will both feel better regardless of the outcome and have a better glance at this whole thing.

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i see what you guys are trying to tell the klinghofer, But I know where he's at because I've been there

before. I used that trick. I didn't call her when she was trying to leave me little messages here and there.

and she had confessed that when I did that, she thought i didn't care about her and after a week had gone by, she

just figured it was over so she started going out on dates. It's such a fragile situation, it's so hard to read women

when they are in this state. Are they really reaching out to us? or are they just playing games with us.

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I just wish I could help her, I don't know exactly what's going on over there, But

her friend isn't the best influence on her i don't think. They both don't know what they want,

both don't have direction in life, both have low self-esteems, both avoid responsability,

both come from familys with depression..only her friend is already moved on and dating some other guy

even though she told her guy that she wasn't going to. He's called her a few times, but she's not returning his

phone calls. It's uncanny how similar they are. But I know my girl is a good person. I know she's capable of

so many great things, she has talents, i hate to see her go down like this and not be able to help her out.

I don't want her to waste away, doing things she never used to do...(out drinking, Staying out all night)

She hates her job, She's hating life, What the Hell? She says she still loves me, So why shouldn't I help her

find herself?

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"I don't want her to waste away, doing things she never used to do...(out drinking, Staying out all night) She hates her job, She's hating life, What the Hell? She says she still loves me, So why shouldn't I help her find herself?"



Translation: She HATES herself. Engages in self destructive behavior and thinking, that is why she is at such a high dissonance with herself. Aren't you glad you are not involved with this anymore? If her love for herself is conditional, then her love for you is also conditional, do you see what I'm saying?

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Yeah, But this world sucks. I'm not a quitter. If there is a woman i love and she's in distress,

i want to help her. She gave me so much to grow on, so much love and warmth in the beginning

and she's throwing it away because she's depressed about her life. Okay whatever, it hurts like

hell....But fine, throw US away, But don't throw ME away. Let me help you help yourself woman.

If you don't appreciate it or don;t want my help and you continually shy away from me and want nothing

to do with me, then I will leave you alone forever. But the fact that I know you still have love for me and

that if i died, you would be sad, makes me want to be here for you..at least for a few more months.

After that, I will bow out and bid her farewell if she's still fighting me.

I believe in living for NOW.

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I'm out of here....I'm losing my computer service as of tomorrow morning so, Thank you guys very much for all of your great advice and thanks for putting up with me for almost two months. I'm sure with all the great advice you gave, i can figure all of this stuff out ...You gave me lots and lots to think about and I appreciate it all. I iwsh all of you the best of luck in your relationships past and present.



Matt Klinghoffer

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