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My boyfriend again isn't getting me anything for christmas


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Totally self-centered! I know that both parties should be equal in a relationship but X-mas is one of the few opportunities to do something sweet for each other just because it's the time of the year. I could not imagine not giving my GF a gift that she'd open on X-mes morning. I'm kinda excited to hear from her after she opens it since it took me a long time to come up with it! :)
Aww...that's totally sweet. It's a wonderful feeling to watch someone get pleasure over something you've put effort into. :)




I still think the OPs b/f is a cheap ass. :mad:


Of what I've experienced, if someone is a cheap ass fiscally, they're a cheap ass for a lot of other things, like time, energy and emotion.

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You just answered your own question. It doesn't cost money to give someone a meaningful gift. You said you don't have alot of money... and neither did/does he, but somehow, you make sure people get gifts. The fact he didn't ensure this implies he just doesn't feel it's an important way for HIM to share his affection?


None of us here know what he's like the other 99% of the year, so I guess we're talking about rubbish and assuming things. If the romance is dead after four years... and she therefore wants something material to make her happy, then like I said, then it's big trouble for them. However, if the romance is coming thick and fast from him the rest of the time, then I don't see the problem with two people in a relationship not showing their love in the SAME way?

Or let's put it simply and honestly here, he doesn't want to, can't be bothered, lacks creativity and imagination, is completely thoughtless. Take your pick.

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You make the OP sound stupid. She's been with him FOUR years. Surely she gets the "rule" by now?


No. I'm not suggesting stupidity at all. OP said that in the past yrs, he didn't have a job - although, to me, that's still not an excuse for him to do nothing at all. But others were suggesting that maybe that's just him, that he doesn't express himself through gift-giving. If that were the case, he would've said that a long time ago. I promise - he'll find somone someday that he'll be totally excited about buying gifts for.

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If someone doesn't take pleasure in preparing those sweet little things for their SO, they should not be in a relationship.


OP: Is it only the gift or is this guys attitude in general as towards the gift giving?

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