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KISSING....And a hole lot of it...


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How do you know if your a good kisser or not? I am not asking anyone personally if they are a good kisser or not but I am curious on how do you know if you are a good kisser.

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Geez, it is just a question. If you have such a problem with the title or what the topic is or my misspelling of words don't bother replying. Thanks.

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I've been told! :D


I also have told others! :D :D


I also have asked! :D :D :D


Everyone has a different 'style' and a different opinion on what good kissing is to them. One boyfriend that I had wasn't, to me, a good kisser -- but to his next girlfriend he was --she thought he was great!

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kiss another girl and ask her.


The only problem is that people do not tell you if you are a bad kisser.

Most people are good kissers though, some... are not.

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Ewwww, Duke! :sick:




You should just sorta know. Nah. Doubt it.

I suppose you might be able to figure it out by how much, long, and often you end up kissing; particularly if your bf/gf comes back for more all the time.

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That's what I was implying.


You can just sorta tell if the other person is enjoying it and is really into it. At least I can.

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I have always been curious about my kissing, and I have never been told I am bad, but been told that the kissing is just okay. What the hell does that mean? I know it is not good, and it is not bad, but still, what does okay mean?

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I've kissed a dog, not on purpose, but I have a Bichon Frise, and I was cutting the red gunk off of his lil beard, and I saw something, so I leaned in to make sure he didn't have something wrong, and my lips were parted about 1cm, and he just went in for it.


He's a bad kisser.

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I was curious enough to actually ask one time if I was a good kisser and the guy said I was. :):o


I've been told I'm a good kisser too. :D


If the guy wants to see you again. That proves he thinks you're a good kisser and it will probably happen again!

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You know you're a good kisser when you're kissing someone who is a good kisser and they keep kissing you and the kiss is good.


You see.... good kissing or good sex is not a skill you can necessary master but just happens when the moment is right and when you are with the right person. Find a person who kisses well and likes it when you kiss them.



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My bf n I kissed when we met alot.. but then i told him i didnt prefer they way he kissed.. i told him what i did like.. he told me what he likes... lets just say we love kissing now.. So the key to your ????... communicate with whom ever ur kissing n just ask... =)takecare be well

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