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Boyfriend Thinks It Is Funny To Fart!

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help! my boyfriend and i have long passed that stage of feeling awkward and uncomfortable in front of each other about personal things.

he however finds it funnywhen he has smelly gas and i leave the room or yell at him in the car.

i find this very insulting and resentful towards him. he has been trying lately to do better, now of course when i slip, which is very seldon he gives me hell for it. do you're guys do that too? i think it rude and distateful unless totally unable to control it like i was because i had bad gas from some omega oils i had with a salad. still he gave me this big lecture like i do to him, but when he would do it he would force it out, now i'm getting angry for him hassling me about my little very ocassional slip.

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If you're getting angry because he harrasses you, maybe you shouldn't harrass him? People fart, it's neccessary. Holding it in isn't neccessarily good for you. I understand if he's making a big deal out of it, or doing it in your face, or somesuchthing, but if he's just farting, let the guy go.

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All my fellows have been gentlemen :) Never said a word to them about it; it's just the way they were. Even the one who had almost no other manners would leave my vicinity or tell me to move away when he knew he was about to emit noxious gases :) Sometimes it can't be helped, of course, but often you can at least be warned. I thought it was very sweet of him to do that for me.

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I've noticed my son does the same thing around his girlfriend. I personally think it's rude. I mean he does it very obviously and makes a big deal out of it and laughs. And if she tells him it's gross and rude, he'll try to force another one out just to tease her.


I've told him quite seriously that he should treat her with more respect, but it appears that guys will be guys. Thank goodness my husband isn't that way. He tends to disappear into the other room or go in the bathroom when he feels it coming on. I mean, sure everyone's going to slip now and then and that's understandable, but it's just plain rude to do it on purpose right next to someone...IMHO.

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Farting may not be funny to some people but I find it hilarious when somebody in my vicinity lets one out uncontrollably. Better than the Comedy Channel.

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Oh, I agree that it can be funny at times, depending on the circumstances. One time we had my whole family over for a big occasion which, of course, involved a lot of eating and then sitting around afterwards and talking. We were all sitting in the living room when my mom suddenly started trying to get up out of her chair (it's one of those kinds that you kind of sink into). She's a short, round lady and she sometimes struggles to get out of that chair. Well, right when she made it up there was this loud and obvious sound that couldn't be mistaken for anything else, and all the talking and chatter that was going on the the room halted while we all looked at each other and tried to decide how to react. We were trying to act natural, not laugh, you name it...to no avail. Just as she rounded the corner, headed to the bathroom, we all roared with laughter that we couldn't contain any longer. My mom piped up and said, "I thought I could make it out of there in time." We still joke about that one. :eek::laugh:

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He farts on me? I fart on him back!! Then we will laugh together.

To me, it's kind of funny. :)


" You are so dirty!"

"No, I'm never dirty." :p


It just happened last night.

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I always use to say, when a guy feels comfortable enough around you to fart, the honeymoon is over. Nothing turns me off more, and the sound (and odor) does little to make me want to rip his cloths off.


My partner, a typical guy who LOVES fart humor, did his best to hold onto his gas for the first year we were together. I could see the strain on his face as he would double over in pain. I started to feel guilty, and thus made the terrible mistake of saying: "It's okay honey, this is your home, too and you should feel comfortable. If you have to fart, just do it."


DAMN!!...One of the BIGGEST mistakes I ever made!! :eek: Now he just lets them rip and laughs for hours while I duck for cover. He'll even wear his 'fart shoes' when we go shopping so he can follow behind me and embarrass the h*ll out of me in public.


As for me, I'm so uptight and anal retentive about my femininity, that when I do fart...only dogs can hear me. But my mother has informed me that as I get older I will loose control of those sphincter muscles and not be able to catch myself in time.


When that day comes, I will banish myself to the house and refuse to mingle in public!

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Originally posted by EnigmaXOXO

As for me, I'm so uptight and anal retentive


....that should be it's OWN thread!!!


I'll have some new 'shipyard' words for tomorrow. Those guys are such idiots, they will probably think it means "upright and tight and anal attentive"....Too friggin funny Enigma.....

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