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20/20 Justifications I Made When the Red Flags Appeared


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1. He's never been in a relationship before. He doesn't understand how hurtful his actions are. I knew he had never been in a relationship before when I started dating him so I have no right to expect more.


2. His childhood/how he was raised made him do this.


3. Real love is about making sacrifices, getting over yourself, and taking the good with the bad.


4. No one is perfect.


5. Everyone knows relationships are work. This is just part of it. If I work hard enough, give enough, change enough the person I fell in love with will reappear again.


6. I'm too sensitive, over-reacting because I had one very bad marriage.


7. What about the good times!?

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Nikki Sahagin

haha I allowed all of these also; particularly the 'he had a bad childhood', 'i'm too sensitive' and 'love is about sacrifice'. Dear oh dear :o

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Cute spinoff :)


I never actually justified them. Morally, I knew I could never justify the way he treated his exw. I just hoped it would be different with me. :o:rolleyes:

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