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What am I supposed to do now?

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I will try to make this as short as possible without leaving out any potentially important details. Just so you know, I'm a seventeen year old girl, I know that will make a difference.


I am really into this guy who I've known since the summer.


About a month ago, we were hanging out and started to hold hands. After that, he we sort of stopped talking for a while. Then we started again, and the first time we hung out after that, we again ended up holding hands and cuddling again. Later that night, he brought up the subject when he was alone with one of my guy friends, saying that he felt confused because "with me, everything feels right". But at the same time, he is not over his ex-girlfriend who dumped him abruptly 6 months ago, after a year-long relationship.


The next day, he apologized for the night before, said that he still couldn't be in a relationship due to his emotional state, and that he felt it wasn't a good idea to hold hands or anything because he didn't want us to get 'too close' while he's still feeling this way. He said that he feels conflicted because he wants to be with me but feels a relationship now would be doomed from the start.


A couple days after that, he opened up to me and told me about his ex, saying that she's changed so much and he can't even be friends with her now. Since then we have hung out a couple of times but kept our distance. We talk nightly on MSN.


I have NO idea how I am supposed to handle this or what I am supposed to do. I don't want to forget him because I have not liked someone this much for a long time (I had an experience similar to his but am getting over it). At the same time, I might be setting myself up for disappointment. What would you suggest?

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Boundary Problem

I think you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.


Seriously - if you liked a guy, would you put the situation on ice to ponder?


Probably not.


I think your gut is giving you warning signals that he just isn't that into you. He's interested, but he isn't interested enough, is how I would phrase it.


Everyone has lots of options, and if he isn't interested I'm sure you will move on. Then if he is suddenly interested I would get suspicious, because if a person truly cared for you they wouldn't only be interested when you moved on.

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