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Just a question.. Why is it so hard for a man to tell a woman how he feels about her.. why let someone go that really loves you because you don't know how to tell them what you feel?? Just curious about this...

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It is hard because men live within a shell, which is sort of a guard for them to protect themselves.As soon as they start having such emotions, as love, they have to let that guard down, and they become vulnerable, so they are very cautious.....


this is my theory

Just a question.. Why is it so hard for a man to tell a woman how he feels about her.. why let someone go that really loves you because you don't know how to tell them what you feel?? Just curious about this...
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They don't want to tell you how they feel because they don't want to get into a huge conversation or feel nostalgic they want you to see how they feel about you in their actions not their words.


They are resentful of long drawn-out conversation, women don't mind saying how they feel hoping for a long conversation about how great their relationship is or how they are feeling lately and they love nostalgia.


Just my view on the differences between the sexes, thank goodness for an honest Father. He loved my Mother with all his heart and she couldn't SEE IT- she wanted to hear it, so...... she left anyway.

Just a question.. Why is it so hard for a man to tell a woman how he feels about her.. why let someone go that really loves you because you don't know how to tell them what you feel?? Just curious about this...
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billy the kid

magicklady; you asked a point blank question but no information about what's else is happening.. I personally don't have a problem telling a woman how I feel in fact I have scared some off by saying something too soon. as far as letting them go cuz they can't tell you how they feel, well I think that by doing that they are telling you how they feel...

Just a question.. Why is it so hard for a man to tell a woman how he feels about her.. why let someone go that really loves you because you don't know how to tell them what you feel?? Just curious about this...
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No.. it is not me that I was talking about.. but I hear that all the time from my friends that they just can't get their boyfriends to open up to them.. and I was just curious to see what men had to say about the subject that was all.. it was a general question Billy... I am glad that some men still know how to communicate with the opposite sex!

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