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ex wants to be fwb


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my ex n i broke up almost 6 months ago-we have a daughter together....a week ago he called me up n asked how i have been n if im seeing anyone n i said no then he procceded to tell me how he misses sexually n he wants to see if the spark is still there...we havent yet but we have talked bout it alot and i want to be wit him but not just a booty call....any signs tht this could work out? in the long run?

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Absolutely not. When an ex, even a babydaddy calls you up and says he wants to see if sparks fly again, he means he wants sex. He just told you all that other sappy stuff because its what you wanted to hear.

If he broke up with you, its because he doesn't want to be with you. That doesn't mean he all of a sudden finds you unattractive.

Bottom line, when he called you, he was probably sitting around his apartment with nothing to do and thought he'd try scoring some action and you seemed like the best bet

I'd bet a weeks salary you weren't the only girl he called that night, and said the same thing to (that is, if you didn't take him up on his offer)


You will just get hurt again if you buy into his sweet talk. Its to score a** not because he all of a sudden sees potential in a relationship that already failed despite having a daughter together. Men will say anything to get some action.

And i'm a guy, so i ought to know.

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part of me believes tht he just wants sex but the other is really hoping tht he wants to be wit me....yeah he broke up wit me cause he was tired of the fighting-we fought all the time but just a few mins ago he called n said tht he was sorry n he wishes tht the three of us could be together on xmas

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part of me believes tht he just wants sex but the other is really hoping tht he wants to be wit me....yeah he broke up wit me cause he was tired of the fighting-we fought all the time but just a few mins ago he called n said tht he was sorry n he wishes tht the three of us could be together on xmas


Well do what you're going to do, but if you buy into all his bulls**** you're just going to end up wasting probably years of your young life. If he wanted to be so bad with you and your daughter for xmas, he never would have left.


I can guarantee you he just wants you for a booty call, when he gives you these calls on the phone. If he really missed you and wanted to be with you, then why does it seem like he only calls when he's horny? gee....probably because when he's not horny, he's not thinking of you.


He tells you what you want to hear so you'll give it up to him. If he's missing you and your daughter tonight, its not because he wants to spend geniune time with you, its because he wasn't able to find any other girl to snuggle up with tonight.


If you let him in, he's going to break your heart again and again and again....


I hope you're smarter than that.


I'm sorry if I'm being blunt, i've just seen WAY too many young girls get hurt and waste precious years of their youth over guys who jerk them around and take advantage of the fact that the girls have feelings for them.


Be responsible parents together. Keep it professional. Find a new man who isn't emotionally abuse like your ex obviously is. You'll feel like a new woman when you've done that.

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If he actually wants to be with you full time and 1:1, I am sure he knows how to do that.


And it's not by doing what he's doing.


So no, as it stands now it's not real and not worth your time.

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....any signs tht this could work out? in the long run?

no, there are no good signs in this scenario, especially for you singlemom19

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my ex n i broke up almost 6 months ago-we have a daughter together....a week ago he called me up n asked how i have been n if im seeing anyone n i said no then he procceded to tell me how he misses sexually n he wants to see if the spark is still there...we havent yet but we have talked bout it alot and i want to be wit him but not just a booty call....any signs tht this could work out? in the long run?


If your username reflects your status, I would avoid this guy and look for more serious suitors.

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no, there are no good signs in this scenario, especially for you singlemom19


Exactly - stay away from this. If hes not good enough to be in a committed relationship with you, hes not good enough for ANYTHING.

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This is the same guy that cheated on you?


I say file paternity to assure your child will be taken care of and then go 100% NC.


There can be no good whatsoever having any time of relationship with this person.

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You are trying to convince yourself of something here and the truth of the matter is it is ill advised to consider it.


You have all the options and time in the world you don't have any valid reason to consider an option fraught with problems and dangers.

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yeah this is the same guy....i have always known tht he is the father n now he knws it too..we have had lawyers since we broke up and regarding the NC....how will i be able to do tht...we both want to knw how she is when she is away from us

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