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My H & I are in our early 50's and have been working out for about 6 weeks now (weights and eliptical machine). The soreness has subsided, but now when we sit to long or after getting up in the am, we're stiff. VERY stiff. We look like a couple of elderly folks, lol


It didn't used to be this bad! Any suggestions? We have been active all our lives, just recently got back on the regular exercise program, before it was on and off. But we've never had this much stiffness. Surely getting older doesn't mean we'll always stay stiff, not THIS early at least!? :mad:

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IF you're working out the same muscle groups everyday, your muscles can become extremely tense, especially if you're recently picking up hard exercises.


I recommend you do at least 5- 15 mins of stretching and warmup to loosen up your muscles before any exercises, and if you still feel stiff, try to massage your muscles post workout.

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I've read some pretty convincing research that suggests stretching after a workout is far more beneficial than stretching before.


If you've got time on your hands, do both. Pressed for time, stretch after.


I do a lot of running (60+ miles a week) and over the last 6 months have moved to stretching only after exercising. I have noticed significant improvements.


Also, make sure you have a good after-workout meal. It should be within 30 minutes of working out and contain both carbs and protein (chocolate milk). Also potassium is great for helping muscles recover and is pretty common in bananas.

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Cod liver oil taken in the morning before eating can be helpful in lubricating

your joints.


Advice passed on by my acupuncturist..................

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