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Rules of the Road


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Dear Guests,


Very rarely do I ever feel the need to intervene in discussions posted on this forum and very rarely am I disappointed by the nature and driving motives behind the opinions shared and expressed on this site. In general, the calibre of genuine and wholehearted empathetic remarks, constructive criticisms, and free-reigning opinionated postings have transformed my labor of love into an exponentially increasing on-line community of "plain ol' good folks" who share in the tragic, albeit, enticing intertwined journey of life.


In the humble beginnings of this organization, myself and the other Hosts spent countless hours dedicating ourselves and our energies to formulating responses to each lost soul that would traverse our path. We eagerly offered up our opinions on the situations that left our first guests desperately seeking out answers on the great frontier that is the Internet. Dismally, however, we saw an increasing trend: our opinions were becoming The Opinion. By no means did we want to assume the roles of demigods; all-knowing oracles of the mysteries of human interpersonal relationships.


This forum is and always has been a means of communication: a multi-regional, international conversation on those universal dilemas and paradoxes that at one point or another, tax our own personal sense of self. Humans have engaged in relationships for centuries. While the particulars of a certain situation may leave one praying for divine intervention, chances are someone at some point in time has already successfully navigated the turbulent merciless waters. Our "family" was inspired by and created from the very realization that we are not alone. There isn't one single person in this vast planet of ours who knows the right answer: believing otherwise will simply leave you drowning.


We are a lighthouse, not a lifeboat; a beacon which, through years of experience, differing sources of insight, supportive encouragement, and understanding, help guide and direct you through the smoothest, most fulfilling path. The more positive interactions that occur here, the stronger a signal each person receives. Over time, our fellow travelers may decide to chart separate courses or momentarily steer away. While their companionship will be missed, the fragments of themselves that they left behind will continue to nourish and color our own personal experiences of the world around us. And should those who have left feel compelled to return, we will welcome them with the same open arms that welcome those who have just joined our quest for discovery.


While the ideology behind our vision may be carelessly interpreted as the undertones of an almost religious zeal, in the simplest, most fundamental sense, we are placing our bets in numbers: the greater the participation, the greater the resolution and focus of viable alternatives to otherwise seemingly hopeless situations becomes. One cannot rely solely on a single point to determine the direction of a line.


I, personally, have greatly limited my participation on our site to cut down on this sort of blind following. I encourage those seeking solutions or direction to listen to a number of sources before making any judgements. I completely understand the frustrations of those placed in a situation where their opinion is critically analyzed by others to such an extent that simply sharing a single point becomes a violent dance between appeasing public expectations and catering to private concerns. This is not the place to ask the famed Joe Shmoe what he thinks you should do about your affair with your secretary's distant cousin. This is not the place to chastise others for voicing their constructive thoughts. This is not the place to demean nor belittle anyone for sharing their own opinion. This is not the place where this sort of behavior will be tolerated. This is a place to seek a myriad of responses from numerous, intelligent people who are more than willing to share and grow together.


This is the community we encourage and strive to create. This is what makes up LoveShack.org. We will not tolerate anything less. I thank each and every one of you individually for participating both in written word and spirit; molding and shaping the very essence of this forum. As always, you are invited to share your concerns or ideas with me on a personal level by e-mailing me.


Best wishes,



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