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Do people prefer the "spread turkey" sex position?

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A 'spread turkey' is what you have on the holidays...there are better words to describe sexual positions.

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This is 'Merica boy! It's Spread-EAGLE! (said in a stereotypical red-neck accent) LOL :)





no offense to anyone in other countries - I'm in America and this was the first thing that came to mind when I read the post.

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Originally posted by Errol

This is 'Merica boy! It's Spread-EAGLE! (said in a stereotypical red-neck accent) LOL :)





no offense to anyone in other countries - I'm in America and this was the first thing that came to mind when I read the post.


DAMMIT Errol.....I'm feeling 'patriotic' already!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! :)

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I've never seen a spread turkey although I think turkey spread on crackers would be pretty good. I wouldn't like to have sex on turkey spread, though.

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The Spread Turkey?


What the hell is that? Wouldn't you just "go with the flow" or maybe say: "What do you like?"


One question: Is the turkey stuffed?

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Man. This guy gives 'stuffing' a turkey a whole new meaning :sick:


(Merry, wishing she could purge the image of Dave seeing the turkey on the counter and thinking, 'mmm, BABE' :sick::sick: )

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Originally posted by Dave1234

is a spread-turkey position the one that most lovers prefer?


is that how you get all your partners?

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"Necrophiliac bestiality?


Where did you read where the turkey had to be deceased???


There's more than one way to stuff a turkey, hahaha!!!

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Spread turkeys and frito-lays! :laugh:


Just when you think you've learned it all, someone comes to this sight and expands your horizons.


Now I'll be expanding my waistline...you've all made me hungry!

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what about the one guy on this forum who summed up the sex act with his girlfriend as "I threw her the hog"? :laugh::laugh::laugh:


dave, unless she's an acrobat or into gymnastics, don't refer to sex positions as "spread turkey" or anything like that ... women like romance! Hmmmm, mebbe it's time to start you reading some of the better-written romance novels that border on soft-porn to give you an idea what balance of naughty and nice most gals want! a warning though: it might involve monkeys and the spanking therewith ...

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I know everyone has thier family traditions regarding turkey stuffing.... some have giblets in it, raisins..... but damn dave........ I guess yours would fall in the "Sauasge stuffing" variety?

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Good job y'all, you ruined thanksgiving.


sorry dyer lol......

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