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Friends last forever.

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I often hear people say

Girlfriends come and go, but friends last forever.


Well, this is not true.

Over the years, I like many others have lost touch with, and or had

disagreements with friends - they are not my friends now.


This is no different than the kind of "breaking up" that one goes

through with a girlfriend / boyfriend.


I think the use of "Girlfriends come and go and friends last forever"

is a flawed argument.


I would / have / and will continue to put more importance on my lovers

than friends.

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Oddly, I once heard Jim Bakker, the PTL tele-evangelist who fell from grace in the 80's for defrauding his TV audience, make an observation during a television interview. He said: "You can never lose a friend, you can only find out who they are."


I someone is your friend, they are that way forever...even if you don't see them for ten years. Other situational friends are there for the time you are convenient to them for their purposes. These are NOT friends, but acquaintances. You may have felt you were their friend but the feeling wasn't mutual. Yes, that's painful when you realize it.

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