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considering AA

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i still feel the alcohol inside my body from last night's massive drunkeness. i woke up today at around 1pm, with no idea how i actually got home. i feel terrible--both physically and emotionally.


my mom is so upset at me right now--and with reason--that she won't even talk to me. :(


i knew that i drank a lot, perhaps more than average people my age, but today i realize and admit that when i get extremely **** faced to the near brink of alcohol poisoning, it is always because i have some severe problem/sadness.


and i can't keep doing this! there will always be obstacles, but it doesn't mean i have to go get so drunk. but most of all, i cannot give my mom this heartache; seriously, what the bloody **** is wrong with me? i'm 23 already, i shouldn't be acting like a child.


but i don't know if i should go to AA or if i should just try to stop drinking on my own. maybe i don't even have a problem.


advice? :(

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Boundary Problem

Try going to AA.



I have a friend in AA and she is so happy now and she has met wonderful people through the program. Far more interesting people than you usually meet.

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Only you know whether it's a problem or not. You should ask yourself questions and judge for yourself whether you have a problem or not. You have to be brutally honest with yourself, because denial will get you no where if you want to help yourself.


-Have you drank and drove? (even one drink?) If so- you drank and drove full well knowing the risks.

-Have other people told you that they think you have a drinking problem?

-Have you ever gotten violent?

-Can you honestly stop at one drink every time you drink?


And so on... it'll help you see whether you have a problem or not. I would recommend going to AA, they'll help you. People who stop drinking, it's because they know they have a problem and drinking isn't the answer. If you don't drink, you would never have to worry about drinking and driving. If you don't drink, no one's going to tell you you have a drinking problem. You can honestly say you stop before a drink because you don't drink! See what I'm getting at? That's what I've learned. I've been sober for four months and going to AA has been a tremendous help for me.


Good luck.

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E.Clispe I totally agee 100 percent with Boundry ,and Burning ashes,


I have been going for 30 days(thats 24 hrs a day for thirty days,and prior to that) I was miserable,making my loved ones who loved me miserable,now I am not going to say these 30 days were the best in my life,but they sure made me happier as I know I am not alone with all these strange feelings,and thoughts.


I still wake up feeling like ohhh nooo I drank last night (feel like doo doo,untill 15 minutes I have a coffe,and feel not sickly,BUT I still feel like doo doo,because I have no ambition,I pray everyday for thy will to be done,and I have to keep my faith,and ambition,and I know one day it will come,if I stay with this loven program,who will except you for who YOU ARE,and ALL YOU ARE.


E. Clispe,give it a shot just for yourself noone else,I bet you meet a lot of nice friends 1st meeting.


Good luck I hope you get to feeling better soon



Edited by Jade 02
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Hey E


You are reaching out for help and that is a good sign. I think it is very diffcult when you are young to gauge if you really have an issue with subtance abuse. Being 23 and partying go hand in hand. However, when you are almost getting alcohol poisoning, and asking strangers if you should go to AA...you might have a problem.


AA can be great...however...it is not for everyone. I think it helps those people that have admitted they have an issue and are comfortbale with working through their addiction with the help of a higher power and support of peers. They will ask you to abstain however.


A better first step in my opinion would be to go to a therapist that specialized in addiction. Sit down with them and tell them your story. Together you can put together a plan, which may, or may not, involve AA. That fact that you are not sure you have a problem was a cue that you are still ambivalent about quitting, as is the fact that you want to do it for your mother, and not yourself. I think your first task would be to resolve the ambivalence.


Either way my brother...good luck..and I am a therapist so if you ever needed some extra info or pointers on how to find a good therapist don't be shy with hitting me up.

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