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Do girls really care that much about your car?

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OK my ride is nothing special, an 1990 Mazda Pickup. It's pretty average, not flashy or anything, so I always borrow one of my parents cars to use on dates. (im in high school by the way). My question is do girls really care that much about how nice your car is?

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I can only speak for myself when I say that I don't care what a guy drives ~ it's the person behind the steering wheel that matters to me! :D When my husband and I were dating, he drove a 1982 Toyota pickup. As a matter of fact, he still drives that truck. We dated for 2 years before we got married, and he drove 20 miles to come and pick me up on weekends in it (it's a wonder that truck still runs! :eek: ).

My husband's truck leaked oil, the body of the truck had rust spots all over it, and it was almost 20 years old at the time we were dating, but I didn't care. I loved him enough to ride around in a horse and buggy if I had to ~ just to be with him! :laugh:

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All I care about is the state of the interior. If the guy can't bother to clean out all the old food wrappers, empty cups, etc., leaving you, essentially, sitting in garbage, it's kind of a turnoff :laugh:

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Notice how only girls replied, yeesh, don't fall for it. Yes, they care, it's not a coincidence that the kid with the cool car gets the chicks.

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some girls do care.


i personally don't - i've gone out w/ guys whose cars were about to break down any minute - i mean it probably wasn't even safe, but i didn't care. but yeah - no garbage lying around, plz!


one guy had a CD hung up to the mirror - i always played with it the whole time, kinda like a cat, and loved being his car. silly details make my mood.



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Originally posted by moimeme

All I care about is the state of the interior. If the guy can't bother to clean out all the old food wrappers, empty cups, etc., leaving you, essentially, sitting in garbage, it's kind of a turnoff :laugh:




Dyer, If a female is drawn to a guy because of his 'hottie' car...she is immature and an IDIOT! No guy with any sense needs her in the first place. Now, I'm not saying girls don't date guys to get a ride in his car....but GAWD....does any guy really want someone who is only interested in their vehicle????


I can answer as a single female.....IT DOESN'T COUNT!! (unless it's a Hummer....LOL!)

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Besides, you know the question that women wonder when guys drive flashy sportscars or mega-SUV's, don't you?


(In case you don't; it's 'so how small IS it, anyway?') :lmao:

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Originally posted by Quixotic_Dancer

Do you think Amish girls are attracted to guys with the biggest, shiniest...rig? :laugh:



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In General, a cool car shows financial stability, which is attractive, yes?


I'm not saying you'd date any old schmo just because he drives a camaro, but it certainly helps, yeah?

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No. It especially does not show financial stability if the 'cool' dude hasn't his own place and is up to his eyeballs in debt so he can own said car. Ostentation does not connote financial stability. More often, the two are mutually exclusive.

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Yeah, I once met a guy who had a pretty nice car...then I found out he was living out of it!



Seriously though, I never even notice a guy's car, or anyone's car. They're not important to me and they don't really register on my brain.


Friends laugh at me because I'll walk right by their cars in parking lots, say when we've exited a movie theater, though I've been in their cars many, many times. I won't remember the make, the look, the color, anything.


So, I don't judge a guy by the car he drives...I judge him by his library, and his pets!

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I rarely notice cars, unless they're belching blue smoke or filled with old McNugget boxes. To me they're functional - like water heaters. An ostentatious car does impress me, but unfavorably. Looks like a guy is trying too hard and over-compensating.


On the other hand, I will notice every detail of a man's grooming and wardrobe. The most favorable impression is made by very clean, well-tailored, ironed, well-fitting clothes that are appropriate to the occasion, as well as well-trimmed hair and clean, smooth skin glowing with excitement at the thought of being near me! Spend your money on getting your clothes to fit well on your lean, muscled body and we will do just fine.

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Yes, I am so shallow I do care what you drive. And I also care about how you take care of your car. A guy with a hot clean car will hold my attention. Some guy driving a beat up dirty hatchback can just leave me alone!


:D :D :D

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