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Not even divorced yet and she takes the new guy to meet the parents....How in the?

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Hello all, I am totally dumbfounded right now. My wife filed for divorce just last week. She has been seeing this guy for the past few months. I figured it out about two months ago. She moved out after I caught her over his place for the 2nd time at one in the morning. We were married in May of this year. I have had no sort of contact with her in about 3 weeks. Yesterday, she took this new guy to her parents house and he stayed until 1am in the morning. When he left, her mother gave him a hug goodbye. The catch is, her dad is a preacher who married us and the divorce will not be final until at least the first week in February. Very religious family. What in the world just happened? I don't know what to say. I am speechless. I would appreciate any opinions that anyone may have. I am so lost right now. Give your life to someone unconditionally and this is what I get in return. Please give me insight. Especially if you have been through something similar. How could she do this so soon? What kind of person would do such a thing? How am I supposed to react? Talk about hurt.

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I wouldnt react well about it. She seems cold, and her parents? Well, Im sure they are taking her side...not yours.


Hon, this woman isnt for you. Or else she wouldnt have cheated on you. Dont dwell on her, it isnt healthy for you. Almost from the beginning of your marriage, she cheated!!


What goes around, comes around, she will get hers...mark my words!

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So your suspicions were correct. How rotten for you. And what the heck are her parents up to?


It sounds like you're well away from them - but how totally tacky to do this stuff at Christmas. Some people are just heartless :(

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