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How to maintain the friendship?

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I have this nominal guy friend who I wasn’t attracted to at first, but after I got to know him, I realized that I’m super attracted to his personality. We were in a class together this semester, and every so often he would ask me to study with him. Our study sessions were always sort of the blind leading the blind, because we both sucked at the class and mostly just ended up talking the whole time anyway.


The problem is, we’re not in any classes together next semester and we didn’t really hang out together outside of our studying. We did make the 5 hour journey to home and back together twice (in someone else’s car) and of course talked then. I’m very sad that we won’t have any excuse to study together anymore next semester, which I told him. He told me that we’d still hang out. I’m wondering how I should keep the friendship going since we won’t be in a class together anymore. I have his number, although I hate talking on the phone and don’t have unlimited texting, but I’m always sort of awkward about initiating hanging out with guys, and plus I go to a really conservative Christian school where the social environment is kind of weird between men and women. I really would be satisfied with just being friends with him, but I’d hope to be more than just the “say hi when we run into each other” kind of friend.


I’m certain that he enjoys my company. We laugh a ton whenever we’re with each other, and I know that he’s talked about me to his friends. How do I maintain the friendship? Should I initiate hanging out or just hope that he does?

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