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WHAT's WITH: "I'm breaking up with you, because I was so young, Need Freedom"

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I'm 27 and My Girlfriend Is trying to leave our fantastic relationship after 4 years because,


She feels that she was so very young(19) when we met and

never got to experience life on her own, So now she would

like to do that...Possibly Try other guys, Live by herself.



I've heard this same story from other people before. Why do guys

girls feel they need to break it off, when they have something

Good? Do they wander their whole lives? Do they regret it?

Do they really find true happiness in the arms of Another?

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Well... you can expect this to happen. Being 19 and now she is 23 tells me that she needs her time to develop.


Best thing to do is support that, hard as it seems because if you don't she will blow you off!


Just read most of the threads and you'll see a repeating pattern of people needing time and space. I tried not adjusting to this situation like yours once and its not worth it.


1. Girls don't wander their whole life, it sounds like she needs time


2. Who knows if they regret it or not unless you see it or hear about it


3. Yes, you can find happiness in the arms of another. You'll find, as painful now as it may seem, that there are more than one "soulmate" or interest for both you and for her.


Stay tight, or you'll fall apart!

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Rightaboutnow - I understand completely where you are. I met my wife at 18, almost 19, and we dated for about 2 1/2 yrs. I was 6-7 years older. She had not experienced life. Now, she is consumed by the world and what she believes it has to offer. She filed for divorce and is out and about living large.


Let her do her thing. You will really regret it if you try to hold her back. She will eventually stray if she feels as if she has not experienced some life experience. Enjoy life yourself. If she goes out and expereinces what is out there, she may be back....but then again, she may not. Thats the price of love sometimes. Good luck.

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That's it notabadguy,


That's exactly what happened to me, my deal ended in divorce.


What else can you do. In many states there are laws preventing you from protesting the divorce.


Its hard, it hurts. Bite the bullet or you are gonna end up swallowing it.

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the only thing you can do is find another girl that loves you for who you are. " to thei own self be true" this is the true and sometimes this is one of the steps to becoming true to theirselves. my girl did the same to me and I cant blam her nor can I hate her either. 5 years we were together and she gave me the same talk about needing to try new things and I'm missing out on life. let is go and just maybe things will work out. everything happenes for a reason.

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ive just been through the same thing.....im 20 and my now ex girlfriend was 16...but very mature for her age. we were very much in love and were together for six months...two weeks after valentines day when i took her to paris she finished with me.....her reason was that she didnt need a boyfriend in her life right now but also because right now we both want defferent things in life. she still loved me when we broke up....we have contact still every now and then.


i found out yesterday from one of her mates that she has been spending a lot of time chatting to soem guy on the phone who she met in a bar one night....nothing has happened yet though....this hurt so much when i heard this....i thought she didnt want a boyfriend in her life so why is she chatting to this guy a lot....you dont meet someone in a bar just to be friends do you?


i really feel like she has lied to me about why she has broken up with me....she said she still loved me but really cant have a boyfriend right now...nearly two months has passed....things cant change that much for her to feel like she is ready to be with someone again.


im scared...im scared that this is going to happen again and again to me....i loved her and she loved me.....we got on so well...relationship was great and it ended

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I didn't read your post, I'll read it tomorrow, but just by your subject line it should be obvious. She wants to be single because she has spring fever. I wish there was a pill for spring fever. It's not fair when spring fever gets in the way of love. But it does, and she wants to see other people. She may not want a new relationship, but she sure misses the excitment of the game.


So go out and play too. It's a whole lotta fun.

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