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UGGG torture .. friends .. more?


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Hey guys.. so here's my situation in a tiny nutshell...


So like 4 months ago my bf broke up with me and i reconnected with lots of old friends etc. I found out one of them had been broken up with too etc. Since then we've been in touch talking daily for the last 4 months.. before that we hadn't talked in about 9 years.


For a while it was craziness daily 6 / 8 / 10 hour phone convos in a sitting for months.. seriously some phone miles were racked up. Anyway we've gotten our ex's out of our systems and convos months ago and have just continued our friendship on the phone. He usually rings me daily for 2-3 hour chats. He's about a little over an hour away from me.


Anyway.. we have since hung out only 2 times for brief periods of time. Occasionally he brings up hanging out and i say yes yes let's do that. However, for one reason or another we never actually get together. It's become somewhat of a common thing now.. every few weeks we discuss it briefly but don't make plans.


He knows i'm always up for hanging out but i duno what his deal is. He talks about his car being crappy.. but he knows I would come up to his area. He tends to bring up excuses yet then he'll bring up hanging out and wanting to ug. It just goes round and round. We get along really well and he makes 75% of the calls! We laugh and joke a lot.


We also discuss really personal & sexual things .. this started a while ago. It's not dirty talk or anything like that but stories..jokes etc. One time he told me "i really like telling you perverted sexual things..cause u giggle a lot." ehhh Anyway we have just grown this really close odd friendship and now I have grown a crush on him but have no clue what he thinks of me. He jokes sometimes about girls and how he wishes he had lots of girls who wanted him etc.. humf.


He calls me his friend a lot and when I got him a little christmas present he made a big thing of it .. and kept saying he's never had a friend get him a christmas present. He talked about it all week. Anyway.. any insight you guys might have would be super duper appreciated. Guys are so complex! :p



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Guys arent complex. If he really was into you, he wouldnt make an excuse not to see you. He would have made sure to see you first chance. He enjoys talking to you, but obviously he isnt attracted to you. He friendzoned you.

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that's what i think but then i get like weird emails sometimes like.. about just having (sorry to be graphic) jerked off or telling me details about how it went..


is that something a guy tells his female friend? It's just so weird. Also he's told me that the things (personal/sexual) he's only told to ex gf's and that he hasn't told them to any other people etc.

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ok so just to update i told him! i just couldn't hold it in any longer and told him i liked him. His response.. surprise and that he didn't see me in that way but as a little sister. He said we would date for a month, fight, and then lose our friendship. He said that this was best because he really likes talking to me and friendship can last much longer than a relationship. He said his last gf they were friends then dated and it didn't work out and now they aren't friends or even speak.


I said he was right and that we wouldn't work out. Then he oddly goes "really you don't think so.. why not?" ...strange he said that i thought. Also we've been having weirdly coincidental evenings and he said this other funny comment "maybe it's the universe weird way of trying to get us together." ..so all and all an odd convo. He also ended up calling me back later he said he enjoyed the awkwardness and laughs so much he came back for more.


Since i told him i notice he's been calling 2 times a day and for a bit longer time. Also now he's started up bringing up hanging out. Any thoughts on this would be most helpful.. i still think boys are (at times) confusing hehe. Thanks!

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oh and he is still telling me really personal "sexual" stuff.. is this odd that he continues that?

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Dont worry about what he thinks of you until he comes through with a date and actually makes a move on you. I still say you are friendzoned. He is calling you more because he knows that he might lose you since he told you that you two wont work out. If you cant handle being friendzoned, then bail on him, youre really wasting your time. Youre not really friends when you are hoping to become more.

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