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Does She Like Me?

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Ok guys this is my first post! I really need some help here! Ok there is this girl that I like which I met in September. I asked her in September of she wanted to do anything that weekend. She said sure and gave me her number. Well we didn’t do anything because we both had to work. We both go to the same college and we both work a lot. We never have time to meet up and hang out with each other. If were not in school we are at our jobs working. We would always talk after our classes and just chill for a while before our next classes. Well I finally decided to tell her how I felt about her. So I wrote her a love poem and gave it to her. Basically it said why I liked her and at the end it asks her if she would like to go out with me. Back on Friday December 12th I gave her the card. It was in a fancy envelope and everything. I gave it to her before we both had to leave to go to work. I met up with her the next Friday and asked her if she read the card yet. She said “I haven’t gotten to it yet.” I told her to read and that she would really like it. She gave me this bright big smile and said “ok I will.” Now my question to you guys is why hasn’t she read the poem yet? Is she waiting for Christmas to open it or what? Do you think she has already read it and is waiting for me to ask her out? Please help me and thank you so much for taking a moment out of your busy schedules to read my long post!!!

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if she has not taken the time to read your card yet, she is not into you. if she has, and is lying, she is also not into you and is trying to let you down gracefully.

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I agree with jenny IF she didn't read the card (curiosity killed the cat!) but I would guess that, from my viewpoint, that she has read the card and probably was a bit overwhelmed (not in a good way) by what I imagine that you said.


I think now she is giving you the benefit of the doubt...maybe when you talk to her again just be HONEST and just say "I'm sorry I think I gave you tooo much info, etc".


Try to laugh it off with her and "hold your horses" or you're gonna create a stampede. A stampede which of course will be her, running like heck from you.

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