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Done with Match com any ideas????

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Match turned out to be a lot of work and too competative. I feel like I have a better chance just meeting someone by going about my business but don't want to wait anymore.


Need ideas! Comfortable in my life now and need to find a partner.


Why is it turning out to be so hard?

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Maybe try a dating tips webpage..

Your post doesn't give out enough info.. maybe you could tell us some of your experiences..


Try googling smart-tips-and-tricks..


That might do the trick :)

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Go to meetup.com and search for singles. There are plenty of groups on there, and you can also start your own for less than $100.

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One I like is called plentyoffish.com they tell ya to bait ya hook ,and go fishing,and chose the type of guy/girl you want.


Good Luck,lotsa hunks on there,I have met alot of friends too;) ana also a selection of woman all ages.



Edited by Jade 02
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