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So she likes me I like her but now..

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Long story short.


Ok so she likes me and I like her, we both know that. It was't without a doubt she did like me for a while now, it was obvious. I told her I liked her and I cared for her on Saturday. Ever since that day, she's been really dry and we've barely been talking. I always told myself never to tell her those things and I was waiting for the right moment to come for a kiss. It never came. I think I took too long and lately she's been dry and we've rarely been talking.


Even after she said she liked me alot and all that crap. It's like things changed after I said what I feel. I try talking to her but she's dry so yesterday (new years) I didn't talk to her all day. I didn't even call or text her happy new years. I woke up today and she texted me happy new years, I said happy new years back and that's it. I'm not calling or texting her, I tried that and she's just being really dry like she don't want to talk.


What should I do? I was also thinking that maybe she's not contacting me to see if I actually do care about her that we don't talk.. or maybe I'm just putting thoughts into my head..

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Wow, this is pretty strange because I have nearly the exact same situation with a girl, since we found out that we both liked eachother everything has been a bit different and boring between us. It was also obvious that we liked eachother but was only said about a week ago, it seems she has lost interest but maybe she is thinking the same with me. I know how your feeling so good luck :). Hope people start giving some good advise soon :D.

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It sounds to me as though she's not that interested. She might say she's interested, but her actions prove otherwise. She probably didn't know what to say so said something that she thought you'd want to hear, just to get out of the situation (I know it's not fair at all, and I don't think it's right). I'd go by actions rather than words. Leave it for a while. If she comes to you, you will know where you stand.

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Yo, basically this may sound a little bit sneaky and deffinately not a very manly thing to do lol, but if you know her best friends well enough to ask them what they think about yours and your girls relationship/friendship, you should deffinately ask them. I did this and i found out alot. Do it before its to late, because i have just found out that the girl that i am stuck in basically the same situtation as you used to really really like me, and she still does but not as much. However, i think i may have missed my chance and i am very annoyed about it, i acted like a wussy and didnt ask her to be my girlfriend when i had the perfect chance, because i was waiting for the right time to kiss her, i waited to long though. There probably is time for me to get it right, without her knowing that i spoke to her best friend about it. ASK HER OUT BEFORE SHE LOSES MORE AND MORE INTEREST IN YOU. lol.

Hope this helps.

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Wow your situation is just like mine lmao! I don't think I've reached that point yet though, she might be losing interest but I think I only have one more chance and that's when she gives me my christmas gift she just bought me.. she was mad at the fact that I didn't wish her happy new year or I didn't even call. But then again it goes both ways.


I think I am taking too long. I'll try to step things up a notch lol. Thanks. She may be losing interest, we'll just have to see how things are going. I have a mutual friend that's going to talk to her tomorrow to see what's up lol. I guess it is the same situation just your a step ahead with the whole asking out part lol..

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yeah lol, dont wait to long. She might be like the girl i was talking about and move on fast, she thought i stopped liking her and gave up. Just warning you, found out today she has a boyfriend now, i was going to ask her today aswell, she said she would of thought about it and said yes. shes still thinking about me but i know she cant just end it with this other guy even though shes only liked him for about a week just because she was getting over me. Its ridiculous, im so annoyed i missed my chance. Hope the same thing doesnt happen to you eventually, wish you all the best.

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Flying Goose

You've done your bit. Ignore her - if she wants something she'll come asking. No-one knows what they want; but she obviously thinks/thought she likes/liked you. Actions are the only worthy measure of a human being. Her words mean nothing. There's a big difference between the thought of having something and actually having it - this causes great confusion for fools. The girl likes the thought of being loved (in this case by you), but the actual confirmation of it takes her out of her imagination and into reality. Fools live in their imagination, whereas the less foolish try not to. Leave her to grow up a little and quit daydreaming. If she manages to grow up in time, she'll come asking - otherwise forget her - people who dilly-dally around and say what they're not sure they mean only bring chaos to your life.

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Well things are obviously not the same as before. So I'm just going to back out and ignore her, treat her as a friend if anything. But things aren't the same as before, I'm not the type to waste my time. Straight out took too long.


Lesson learned I guess.

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