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Ok here's the story, I'll shrink it down as much as possible...I've been distressed for a bit, and I searched the net alot and found this site, so please guys and gals, help me out :( :


I met (when I say this I mean re-met, because we both went to elementary school together and knew each other along time, but both moved away for 6 years and forgot about each other) Sarah Spring Break of Junior year of high school. Immediately we fell for each other. I hooked up with her the night before she left to go home. Oh, and did I mention she lives in England. Yeah, so I hook up with this abosolutely AMAZING girl the night before she leaves for LONDON. So, I wait three months until she comes home for summer break. I kissed one girl the whole time she was gone (and I was drunk for that one) even though we weren't even going out or anything. I simply fell in love with her the first time I saw her. Before she came home though, I threw out the idea that she could come to Florida with me and my family in July. It was just a shot in the dark, which ended up working! Her dad, without even knowing who I was, let her go with us to Florida! I had the best time of my life there, and so did she. The night we got back, I asked her out, and it was official. The summer went great and we spent every single day together. She left on August 25th, which was practically the hardest day of my life. I guess it also makes a difference that she was my first, if you know what I mean.


Then, three months later, I arrived in England to see her for 10 days. I HAD THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE! Everything was amazing. She was amazing too! It was perfect, and I wish it would never have ended. I waited 3 months, at the contempt of everybody in my life, for a girl I couldn't even touch and really hardly knew. and it was SOOOOO worth it. So another sad day, I left England. BUT, it was only another 21 days until she came home, December 18th. About midway though the 21 days, it seemed like we started growin apart. Awkward silences on the phone mostly. More like we simply ran out of things to talk about maybe? I dunno. Sometimes things were good, and sometimes this silence would come up again. She came in town, and it was another GREAT day. It was so awesome to see her again. We'd just passed 5 months together, and it seemed like things were going pretty well, and they still are. There's just this silence thing sometimes. And like preoccupation....I dunno. Oh and I can tell you that I have 100% trust in her that she wouldn't cheat on me...cuz I would NEVER cheat on her in a million years....I don't believe in cheating. Anyway, so she comes in town, and things are going alright. We get along great, no fights, EVER, and everythings still pretty much the same....but it feels like there's this mist in the air...like something just isn't right. We both recognized it, cuz we talked about it, but we can't put our finger on it. Something isn't the same. What is wrong, and what can I do to get rid of it?!?!

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It is very common that the earliest stages of the relationship are the headiest and most intoxicating. You can't live that way all the time or you'd probably burst a vein. Eventually, the highs even out and you settle into a more comfortable level of emotion. You may have begun that process. You'll both cheat yourselves if you expect to spend the rest of your relationship on giddy highs.

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eh, well put I guess. I know our relationship wasn't always gonna be like that, I just didn't expect it to be so sudden, and after 5 months no less. It really seemed like all in a day....

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