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Is He Cheating Again?

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Im new here, but could really use some advice and opinions.


I am so confused right now... I just want to disappear. I think my boyfriend of four and a half years is cheating on me... I think that because, well heres the list.

1. Hes extremely distant...doesnt want to be around me.

2. He wont cuddle, or hold me.

3. He wouldnt let me near him till he took a shower.

4. Things are out of place when he picks me up after work and we go home. Even though I havent been there all day and hes supposed to be at work.

5. Hes always late getting home from work.

6. He can go for weeks with out making love.


The other day number 4 happened, he was 45 minutes late...

I have no idea what to think anymore. When I ask him about it, he yells at me! Just gets completely pissed off! He wont talk to me about anything... Its like he doesnt want to be with me, but everyday he tells me he loves me and he does want to be with me. And hes asking me to marry him for christmas.


I had a miscarriage in October. Whenever I get upset about it or want to talk about it, there he is yelling at me again. He says I should be over it already... He was saying the same thing after a week.


I try so hard everyday to peice together our relationship since it seemed to have shattered, but theres no luck. Peices are missing...the good peices. It hurt to be with him, but it hurts so much to be with out him.

Im just so lost right now, I dont know what to do and have no one to talk to...


I try to talk to him about it and explain the way I feel, but he just gets mad at me and yells. He hears me though... After that happens, he acts like nothings wrong and tries to be act like he cares about me so much until tomorrow comes, then its the same thing all over.

When his friends come over, he wont sit in the kitchen or living room, they go to the bedroom and sit in there. I just dont understand. I guess Im suspicious because hes cheated on me before with a good friend of mine.

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Not only is he cheating on you, even if he's not, he's treating you like crap. That's reason enough to leave, which is my strong suggestion.

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I'd say BEWARE and start getting ready for a split. anybody who does that to another person is on the way out for sure whether its you going or him.


Take your pain and run. at least to a safe place, girlfriends house etc. Try to distance from this so you can think with a clear head.


Its all you can do. Whatever he is doing you can't stop anyway so why try for now.


take cover!

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Don't just get ready for a split, break it off yourself. You don't deserve to be treated like that, and the quicker you go, the sooner you can find someone who treats you the way you should be treated.

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Alicia I agree with mjk and dyermaker... go with your first gut instinct... AND above all.... go to someone who you can talk to about your miscarriage..... hes very wrong when he says you should be over it by now..... your having your feelings for a reason..... hes not even validating you..... i would get out right now, seek some sort of prof help...... and be good to you...... good luck to you!! please keep us updated and i hope everything goes well for you depsite what you decid to do!!

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I hate to say this...but I had a gut instinct about my daughters father...all the signs you just stated were the ones I had. I didnt listen..until it was too late. Honey, he is not being nice to you, why marry a man like that? You need to talk, communicate! I mean, do you really want to be with someone who yells at you when you try to talk to him? :(

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