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friends with benefits?

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Hi! My ex bf is still my friend. Actually after break up I had a chance to go out with another boy and I did but then


realized I am totally in love with my ex. Basically I knew all the way but my ex bf broke up with me and I was torn


and needed a shoulder to cry on. I was very honest with the second boy so there was no problem when we ended


the affair, he just wanted that and I guess I needed it to make the mistake. My ex bf broke up with me and within


one week started going out with this new gal. She is now his current gf. They are going out for 1 months and


something. Now my ex bf still sees me, we even had post breakup sex one time, where I did not know about the


seriousness of this gal (I assumed it was same as mine) But afterwards he changed and now wants to stick to the


gal, but we still decided to be friends. He claims to still love me, but does not want me back. We saw each other


whole weekend and then I became sick so he came to take care of me. We have passed the post break up sex


stage, we have not gone physical again, except for hugging each other. Till the other day, when we both were


very godo with each other and jsut gave each other a kiss. Now he still says he wont come back to me and he is with


this gal. He even wants me to meet her, and be "friends" I dont think this is likely to happen, as I am totally in love


with him. I suspect he is too but due to fear of commitment he is going the easy way. Now, I dont like to snatch


bf's from anyone, I am not the type, and I am now feeling guilty for beign sort of doing that. How do I go about this


whole situation? Should I jsut stop it altogether? Another thing, is I am aware that if he can do it to his current


gf he can do it later to me...but we were going for 2 years and was 100% faithful and I trust him a lot. I was


wondering if trust can be rebuild or is it just not possible? Another thing, how do I convice him to be alone, without


me nor the other gal, so he is not confused...and can decide with the heart? PLease help

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Your trust for him should have been broken when he started messing around with you while he is seeing someone else. That right there should show you his true colors and you should leave him alone.


If anything else, ask him does he want to be with you or her? But he can't have it both ways. He should not only go with his heart, but his head as well, not his other member he has been thinking with.


Good luck to you!

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You need to leave him alone. He is using you. I mean, he has someone...is cheating on her with you..kissing you. Why would you want him back?


I think if you had time by yourself, you would realize you were in love with the man you wanted him to be, not the man he really was.

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He has already cheated on his new girlfriend with you. What makes you think he won't do this again if he goes back to you with somebody else that's new?


It is gonna be hard but you are gonna have to let this one go. He is using you. I agree with Alleykat. This is what my ex did with me when we broke up. Used me before going back to his ex.


You'll get over it eventually. I did.

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Hi Guys! Thanks for all the replies, I have been pretty much in a rollercoaster of emotions. I have posted other messages, but now I am startign to see the picture clearly. IT is so sad to have failed in this love relationship..besides, I had never had such a problem with him, I had always trusted him..but now I realize...what you guys are saying. If he did it b4 he can do it again...sigh...I am letting go...


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