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Well i went a couple of weeks not eating and only drinking water.I wanted to lose weight fast.I have lost the weight but now ive been eating for a couple of days and i have really bad stomach cramps.Has anyone been through this and if so what can i do.The pain was so bad at one point i almost went to the hospital.Thanks for any help.

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Trying to lose weight without eating is so bad for your health. Good example is the stomach pains your getting.


It's like this.........if you've ever experienced vomiting from food poisoning or flu or whatever, the doctor always tells you to start with a BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) diet. You're stomach has had nothing in it to digest, then all of a sudden you're putting things in there. You have to gradually introduce food, starting with the BRAT diet, into your stomach so it get's used to producing digestive juices.


Remember, start with soft foods, then gradually move on to more solid foods.


Hope this helps.

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Ah! Ok, i've been through this before. Don't go to the hospital, it's a waste of money.


What you did to yourself was very unhealthy. What's happening now, is your stomach is having a hard time digesting the acids that you are putting into your stomach. It's producing more and more acids.


Take tums every morning when you wake up. I suggest staying away from foods that are highly acidic. If you do decide to eat those foods, though, you need to take a Tums before you do.


You need to get your stomach used to digesting food again. The pains will last for awhile.


Also, don't eat big meals. Eat small foods throughout the day. Maybe crackers in the middle of the day (helps soak up some of that acid).

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