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A Broken Heart

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I need all the advice I can get right now..... I love a guy who I've been with for 9 mos.. We just got back from LA like two or three weeks ago and things were kinda different. We both admitted to being busy, but whenever I called him, I got the hint that I was bothering him, so I'd leave him alone for a few days. Sometimes he'd get mad, but this past weekend was horrible!! I saw him with 2 girls, whom he cruised with, took to a club, then bought dinner for them and took them home at 5am. He cheated. When I tried to confront him about it, he shut me up and drove off. Now, I really loved this guy like no other and I never thought he would do this, but he has and I know I will never forgive him or take him back....however, he calls me every morning to ask "What's up?" I've asked him why he calls and told him that I found out everything. I think he doesn't want to let me go 100%, but that he wants one of these girls. As I write this letter, he's with them. What can I do to make it clear that he lost me for good? How can I sleep and eat again (get over this?) How can I assure myself that he will realize what he has done???


Please help me.

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I have been in your shoes! I couldn't eat for a week and a half when it happened to me...but i learned that you have to just keep telling yourself that someone BETTER is out there! When he calls, tell him you dont want to talk to him because he has hurt you so much. He probably thinks he has you wrapped around his finger and he can do whatever he wants....show him it is not true! Dont have anything to do with him, and DON'T take his calls! If he really wants to be with you, this will get to him! AND, really try to keep busy. Go out with your friends, and try to meet some other guys. Make him see that you are not just going to wait around for him to get his act together! I know it is hard, but you can do it! Put yourself first, and decide what you need to be happy in your life! Good luck with it!

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You will never be able to assure yourself that he will know what he has done.. he is a Selfish B*****D and you need to stay away from him... as far as possible!! Do you have caller ID?? Use it if you do... when he calls don't answer the phone... and if he catches you by accident tell him to go and hang out with his other women you have moved on.. As far as the eating thing goes... it will take you about a week to get yourself straight on all of that once you decide to let it go.. then you will be fine.. go out with your friends look hot and men will be around ... believe me... some of them can be so fickle and there are honestly Plenty of Fish in the Sea...


HUGS and Good luck to you sweetie..

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