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No more beatings

Jade 02

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As I was a 9 month old baby I was raped by family,and 9years,and at 13 got kicked out of my house for being an active mean drunk as my dad was sobering up. So I lived on the streets for 2 years till I met a 26 year old(I was 15) Cool I was off the streets even though he beat me every weekend,and the drinking,and fighting,and black eyes went on for almost 4 years

Then I moved to a coworkers home(female),and met a man I had new,but not very well,we dated a week every night fell in love,he was an ok man,I married him. Still drinking ,and cocaine ruined us,I move to roses house,and work wiith her. Her neighbor begs me for a whole month to date me,well we won rolling stones tickets together I gave the number he dialed,Finally Rose says will YOU HAVE DINNER WITH THIS UY OR SOMETHING,GET HIM OUT OF MY HOUSE,he slept on the floor (like a dog LOL) as I slept on Roses couch ,and we did that for a month,so we finally got together oh MR big coke dealer,I made him quit dealing as I was noway going to be wakened up all niight and work too,so he quit dealing,and he did


He finally talked me into working for him as a flea market vendor (made tons of money)we did coke 6 months,and quit sixs months off,and on using,and sharing needles too(not to lie,and Got the HEP C,HIV CLEAN) but Drank every day,well his drinking landed him in prison for life.(crack head broke into our home,and all neighbors homes) So I ran for 6 months drinking gallons of mist,could not hold a job,well six months after we got caught for the missing person,and finally someone spilled where the crackhead was (sad) I drank myself sick so sick,did not eat nothiing shake puke everyday SICK PUKE SICK YUCK stayed at any party.


Finally I met my husband I have now,we drank for gosh 13 years and I have posted on here before on how to get a divorce,and how he smashed my home up. WELL now his family did something like an intervention on us,so now we are in AA (a day at a time we do not drink,just today)

We go to church,and I just cannot believe all the problems God has taken from us,I mean we have the problems,but we put them in Gods hands,and we do the foot work to try to make thiings better.


There is help,and free help out there, there is a free rehab for homeless in raleigh,NC for men and woman,and you are free on weekends,butthey all stick together,and go to meetings.


I hate to see any addict hurting,and suffering,it iis still hard for mr to not drink,but for today I wont.


I hope someone who needs help,will find there way


God bless yall,and no I am no holly roller just alot happier knowing he is always there.


Thanks for the space here


exscuse the grammer too and spelling.


So ladies,and men you don't have to fight anymore if booze is why you fight,or dope.

Edited by Jade 02
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Awesome Username

I'm so sorry that all of that happened to you. You certainly did not deserve any of it. I'm really glad that you're in AA now, and working on the things you've tried to mask away with alcohol and/or drugs all of these years. I wish you the best of luck. <3

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Thank you awsome


No I didn't post this for sympathy,I just thought it was a normal thing,and stuff like this happened to most woman? I still think it does.


But using AA,and Church sure is a great help in dealing with these inner feelings,I can forgive,I can probably help another child,I HOPE SOON!!


Most of my friends on drugs are chicks that have been abused,I am drug use happens even if the person has NOT been abused.


But your so right AWSOME! I did bury it in booze,and drugs,I don't know if that is an exscuse to use or not,but I did,and I.m Paying for it dearly


Awsome thank you for you kind words,and the best wishes,I wish the same back to you.



your friend jade

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Wow that is a rough way to grow up and to live. How did you get through each day with all that never ending craziness?

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