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I’m just trying to get a few peoples perspectives here. I’ve been single for a year after a long relationship.


I needed some time to be on my own and be by myself and get settled into single life.


I now feel that I am ready to start dating again. I am a member of an online dating site.


Anyway, there was this guy who actually came to my attention on the forums there, we had this little debate going about a certain topic and it was actually fun to meet someone who could give as much as they got. We tended to follow each other around on the forums and then he sent me a private message saying he was leaving the site but would like to keep in touch so gave me his MSN addy.


I added him on MSN and we chatted. We had a really good chat and our senses of humour definitely were the same. He mentioned a few times that my sense of humour was too good to be true for a female. He hadn’t seen my picture as I had my profile set to request private pics. So I put my photo up as my display pic. His reaction was ‘Oh my God, you’re not repulsive’ (a joke we had had on the forums). I know I aren’t what would be described as a ‘hot chick’ but I know I aren’t foul either haha.


So as we talked he at times came across as a male chauvinistic pig, but as time went on it became apparent he’s just been hurt and is quite defensive. We had this silly talk about describing ourselves as food. I said I would probably be a salad, as no one really ever WANTS one! He said he’d say I was more a pasty.. ‘its not hot but it could be, but you want to eat it no matter WHAT anyone says’ I didn’t know whether this was supposed to be a compliment and the conversation moved on too quickly for me to ask again.


He shared information with me about his daughter, told me about his relationship break up. We’ve spoken about our spiritual views etc. Its not all jokey chat and banter. We spoke about what I wanted in a guy and when I described it he said ‘ thats called a ****’ (his name). He said some woman had been asking him questions about his daughter that he didn’t feel comfortable sharing with.


There seem to be many signs that he is opening up to me whereas he hasn’t with others. But he calls me ‘mate’ or ‘mush’ all of the time, in my area its common for people to call people that, but my lack of confidence makes me wonder whether he actually likes me or has friend zoned me.


Anything you can read into this that I can’t see?.


Thank you.

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Give it a go, then! The worst that can happen is that you do hear you've been friend-zoned, and even then you have a new friend. :)

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